" Akihiko-kun, for today, I may need your assistance in putting up banners in the main hallway after dismissal." Mayafumi-san asked.
" Sure. I did volunteer after all." Akihiko says and Mayafumi smiles in return, a bit of red dusting her cheeks.
" S-See you then!" She says before doing a little bow of thanks and then heading back to her seat.
For some odd reason, I couldn't help but feel....a disturbance in the force when she interacted with him. It's like, I wanted to repel her away from him. But why? I'm so confused, it's not like I hold anything against Mayafumi-san ( or anyone for that matter ) and I'd be too much of a scaredy cat to even...feel this way.
I couldn't help but puff my cheeks and huff then and there whenever she'd lock eyes from across seats.
" Pft-!" A snicker snapped me from my trance.
Akihiko-kun was covering his mouth, his eyes wrinkling upwards indicating that he was holding back his laughter.
I tilted my head, confused.
" What is it?" I asked.
" You were...making a funny face, Gotou-san. Like an angry chipmunk whose acorn got stolen." He told me.
" ...I did?" I asked.
" Well, yeah. You've been doing it for a while actually. " he said.
Strange....Akihiko-kun doesn't seem to be lying. Was I really making such a face?
I began to ponder on it a bit more, until my mind eventually recalled a certain happening just yesterday....
" Big sister has a boyfriend~~~"
" I-I do not!"
" Yes you do!" She starts dancing and making funny faces with kissing sounds.
" I bet you and Mr. Green Eyes go like this~ mwah mwah mwah~~" she haunts me with kissing sounds.
Sometimes, I wonder if it's okay to throw her into a freezer and shut it tightly so that it could never be opened again.
My face turned warm, and I immediately covered it with the sleeve of my tracksuit.
There's....no way I like him like that , right?
We're just friends.....
And besides, you have to be crazy and insane enough to choose a social disaster like me instead of girls like Mayafumi-san. She's good at talking to others, she's popular like Akihiko, and she's responsible and kind.
I'm...working on myself to become near to that. But it's a slow progress.
" Akihiko-kun, do you mind if we eat lunch together?" Mayafumi asks as she stands in front of his seat. Akihiko looks up to her.
I listened to their interaction silently, pretending to take out my ' lunch ' while doing so.
" Like, right now?" I hear him ask.
" Yes." She answers.
" Ah, I'm sorry, but I have plans to eat lunch with someone else." He says.

Bocchi the Love Story!
FanfictionUnexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wanted to publish this, very unsure if I wanna continue it later down the line but here we go... Synopsis: Our household favorite introvert rock...