Unexpectedly created this during my free time, and also the fact that I'm in love with the series! Just wanted to publish this, very unsure if I wanna continue it later down the line but here we go...
Our household favorite introvert rock...
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Okay....just send a simple ' hi '. It should be easy enough, I mean, I've already went over this back when my friendship with Nijika and Ryou was still fresh!
Contact: Asahi
Okay, that should be satisfactory for tonight, I suppose! Time to head to bed--
Ding! My phone received a notification. I could see the pop-up, his response....
Hello to you too.
I thought that was going to be the end of it, like most awkward text conversations but he suprised me when I received another message.
Are you heading to bed?
Why are you trying to start conversation NOW? The more we text, the more I'll lose track of time, and the more I'll be sleep-deprived. That's the process of texting a friend. It's completely inevitable unless I turn off my phone right now and swallow the guilt.
This is your fault, Akihiko-kun. You evoked my cruelty.
B-But.....ghosting him is just....
I bit my lip before typing down my response. I can't just ghost someone like that, especially a good friend. It's too cruel even for my evil version, so I'll just try to politely imply that this conversation should end.
I was just preparing for bed.
There you go. He must've understood the hidden message there.