𝔅𝔢𝔣𝔬𝔯𝔢 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔅𝔢𝔤𝔦𝔫𝔫𝔦𝔫𝔤

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Pairings: Ariel x Eric, Ariel x Reader (Mother), Prince Eric x Reader(Father), Flounder(Human) x Reader (Platonic), Sebastian(Human) x Reader (Platonic)

Warnings ⚠️: Not really any just fluff

Pet Names/Nicknames: Sweetie, Dear & Hon

Y/N was a shy girl the only people she talked to were her mother, father, sister, Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle. The only ones that she was closest with were Flounder, Sebastian and Scuttle because they knew most of the stuff her parents and sister didn't. Like how she was a lesbian and liked older woman. But of course her parents knew ever since she was little she'd always say how pretty the women were in dresses or suits but never the men. Her parents wanted to come out on her own time though. She had beautiful red hair like her mother and the most beautiful light teal eyes. Unlike her mother she had a black and white tail instead of a green one. It was the day before her birthday and she was really excited since the next day after tomorrow she would be leaving to go to the school for good and evil. She was turning 18 tomorrow which meant she would be crowned princess at her party. Her mother Ariel was handing down her crown that her mother Queen Athena gave her when she was crowned princess.

Y/N was sitting near the ocean with her feet in the water. Her grandfather King Triton had made a special amulet for her letting her turn into a Mermaid and back into a human whenever she wanted to. She was reading one of her favorite books. Her mother Ariel was watching from afar while smiling as she watched her oldest daughter. Max the dog was prancing around Ariel making her chuckle. After a few minutes Ariel spoke up. "Go on boy go get her" she said and Max ran off occasionally hoping until he reached Y/N. Y/N had looked up when she saw Max standing beside her. "Hello max" Y/N said as she scratched under his ear causing him to pant. Y/N looked over to see her mother standing a few feet away. "It's lunch time already huh" Y/N asked Max and he nodded making her smile. She stood up and brushed off the dress she was wearing. "Come on then" she said as she walked to her mother who was slightly shorter. "God it looks like you've grown even more since I saw you last" Ariel said as she looked up at her daughter. "Mama I didn't grow maybe you just got shorter" Y/N said causing her mother to gasp before smacking her arm causing the two to break out into laughter.

They linked arms before heading back towards the castle. "Are you ready for the big day tomorrow sweetie" Ariel said as she looked at her daughter. "Yeah but I'm a bit nervous you know with all of the people I don't really know coming from different kingdoms" Y/N said causing Ariel to smile softly. "That's completely fine just know I'll be here for you and so will your father and sister" Ariel said making Y/N smile. "Everyone will" Ariel added as they walked up to steps to the castle. "Thank you mama" Y/N said as she rested her head on her mother's shoulder. They walked into the castle and everyone greeted them as they walked by. Max had run ahead almost tripping everyone that was getting the party ready. "GET OUT YOU RASCALS" someone shouted right before the kitchen door opened. Flounder, Sebastian and Melody all ran out giggling while holding stuff in their hands. "What's going on" Y/N said and the three of them stopped and looked over to see her and Ariel looking at them. "Oh you guys are back" Flounder said as they hid the stuff behind their backs. Y/N looked at her mother with a raised eyebrow and she looked back. She let go of her mother before walking towards the three of them. "RUN" Sebastian shouted and they dashed off as Y/N chased after them followed by Max. They ran through the halls of the castle as they giggled and laughed. "MELODY HURRY UP OR YOUR GONNA GET CAUGHT" Flounder shouted back to melody who was a couple feet away from them. Before Melody could go faster she was swooped up by Y/N who started tickling her. "Gotcha" Y/N said as Melody squirmed and giggled loudly. She dropped the stuff that was in her hands to the ground making Y/N smile. "So you stole some jelly tarts from the baker huh" Y/N questioned as the other two rushed over.

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