𝔏𝔢𝔬𝔫𝔬𝔯𝔞 𝔏𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔬 𝔒𝔣 𝔑𝔢𝔳𝔢𝔯𝔩𝔞𝔫𝔡

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Lesso slightly pulled away and Y/N looked up at her with tear stained cheeks. Lesso whipped the tears off Y/N's cheeks before leaning down. Their lips were almost touching when they heard someone shout. Lesso immediately turned around and glared at Amir. "Lesso dear there y-" Amir was cut off when he saw Y/N standing behind Lesso smirking. Y/N stuck her tongue out before her eyes started glowing blue. "What the hell are you doing with this Ever" he shouted and Lesso's jaw clenched tightly. "I know what you did Mr. Charles and there will be consequences for your actions" Lesso said and before Amir could run Soren appeared behind him while smiling wickedly. "Where do you think you're going" Soren said as he tilted his head back before smirking. Amir looked around before shoving Soren out of the way. He ran back into the good castle and Soren was about to follow but Lesso stopped him. "Don't someone will find him sooner or later" Lesso said knowing full well who would find him.

Lesso turned back around and placed a hand on top of Y/N's head causing her to look up. Y/N opened her mouth but Lesso put a finger up to her mouth. "I know what you're gonna ask but come on let's go somewhere more private" she said and Y/N smiled before following Lesso. They ended up in the museum and Lesso sat down on one of the chairs. "You decorated this place up" Lesso said as she held her hand out for Y/N to take. "Yeah we wanted it to look more special" Y/N said as she took Lesso's hand. "Well I love it, it gives it more homey vibes" Lesso said as she pulled Y/N towards her. "And for the question I know you're gonna ask true love always finds a way to bring people back together, and every time I looked at you I felt a pull at my chest telling me that you were my true love instead of that asshole" Lesso said and Y/N straddled Lesso's lap. "What did he do to you that made you forget me" Y/N asked as Lesso looked up at her. "Love potion I tried to fight it off but I couldn't" she said and Y/N cupped Lesso's face into her hands. "No amount of love potions will stop me from chasing after my true love" she said before leaning up and locking her lips with Y/N's. Y/N immediately kissed back and Lesso wrapped her arms around Y/N pulling her closer.

"Well damn this is hot to watch" Y/N got off of Lesso's lap when she heard Flounders voice. Y/N looked over to see her friends in the doorway smirking. "Well I see you're still annoying" Lesso shot back causing Flounder to flush. "Is anyone there" they all went quiet when they heard Evil Y/N's voice. Y/N walked over to the mirror along with Lesso. "Yeah we're here" Y/N said and Evil Y/N smiled before looking at Lesso. "I see you got her back I'm glad" Evil Y/N said as someone appeared beside her. "Yeah without your help" Y/N said as she folded her arm. "Like I said I couldn't help you, you had to do it yourself" Evil Y/N said and Y/N rolled her eyes. "Glad you're back Lesso" Good Lesso said and Y/N's friends looked at each other in shock. "Fuck me is that Lesso in white and gold" Althea said and everyone laughed as Good Lesso smirked. "Yes it is I'm the Dean of good over here" Good Lesso said as she smirked while looking at Lesso who scrunched her face up before looking away. "Never imagined I'd see a Good Lesso" Althea said causing Good Lesso to chuckle. "Well now you have little Beasty" Good Lesso joked and Althea pouted. "Guess you're still the same but just look different" Althea huffed out causing the two Lesso's to glare at her. "we don't act the same" they both shouted causing Y/N and Evil Y/N to look at each other. "That's totally bullshit" Evil Y/N said causing Y/N to laugh before agreeing. The two Lesso's glared at their Y/N's who just smirked.

Lesso was hugging Y/N from behind when she saw a fork in Y/N's hair. "Is this your mother's fork but gold" Lesso asked as she touched the fork. "Yeah it is I had someone turn it into gold" Y/N said causing Lesso to hum. Lesso buried her head in Y/N's neck before kissing it. "Why can't I tear him to shreds" Althea whined out and Lesso looked up. "Because you can't kill anyone until graduation and plus he's my kill you just need to find him and bring him to me" Lesso said and Althea smirked. "Can I at least claw him" Althea asked and Lesso raised an eyebrow. "Nope" Lesso said causing Althea to pout. "How about Skadi is she aloud to wound him" Althea said and Skadi looked at Althea. "No none of you are" Lesso said as she unwrapped her arms from around Y/N. "I might know where he is" Evil Y/N said and they all looked at her. "Tell us" Althea growled out and Evil Y/N raised an eyebrow. "There's a door behind a white curtain that's all I'm saying" Evil Y/N said and Lesso looked at Althea. Althea smirked before running off.

Althea walked through the halls searching for the curtain until she turned the corner and smirked. She walked over to the white curtain before ripping it off the wall to see a door. "Perfect" she said right before the door opened. She looked down at Amir and he jumped back about to slam the door shut. Althea shoved the door open and grabbed Amir. "Let me go you beast" he shouted and Althea licked her lips. "Sorry but no can do the Dean of Evil requests your presence" Althea said before laughing at the joke she just made. Althea saw movement before grabbing Amir's arm in her huge paw. "Don't even think about it" Althea growled out as she squeezed his hand causing the vile to drop to the ground and shatter. She looked down at the green liquid before looking back up at Amir. "I would bite your head off but I'm not allowed to since I can't Jill anyone until after graduation Lesso's words" she said as she started walking back towards the museum dragging Amir behind her.

She threw him onto the floor and smiled as everyone jumped before looking at her. "He tried to use a Potion on me" Althea said as she barked her teeth at Amir who gulped. "Trying to use a Potion on one of your students is against the rules Mr. Charles" Lesso said and Amir stood up before turning around to see Lesso and Y/N standing beside each other. Y/N waved as she smirked before flipped him off. He stood up and dusted him off before his leg was impaled by an icicle causing him to scream out. Everyone turned to Skadi and she just smiled. "I told you not to hurt him" Lesso growled out and Skadi just rolled her eyes. "I don't have to listen to what you say you're not my Dean" Skadi said and everyone stepped back as Lesso walked up to Skadi. Y/N rushed up and stood in front of Lesso making her stop and look down. "Y/N" Lesso said sternly and Y/N just looked up at her.
"Lesso" Y/N said back and Lesso huffed before walking over to Amir. She kicked the back of Amir's knees and he fell to the ground. "Osiris dear bring me that dagger behind you" Lesso said and Osiris turned around and took the dagger out of its case. He walked over and placed it in Lesso's opened hand.

"You all need to leave" Lesso said and Y/N looked at her friends as they looked back at her

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"You all need to leave" Lesso said and Y/N looked at her friends as they looked back at her. "No we're staying I would like to watch the show" Sparky said and Lesso snapped her headed towards all of them before glaring at them. "Lessy we're not leaving" Y/N said and Lesso looked at Y/N before sighing. "Fine" Lesso said before she walked around Amir. She leaned down and grabbed hold of Amir's jaw before digging her nails into his cheeks. "You wish that was you don't you" Snowbell whispered into Y/N's ear. "N-no" Y/N stuttered out as she looked away blushing. As she was about to look over Skadi grabbed her face. "I wouldn't look right now" she said causing Y/N to frown. "Wh-" she was cut off when she heard Amir scream. "Lots of blood" Leviathan said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. Lesso looked down at Amir who was glaring up at her. Lesso smiled before pulling out the knife from his shoulder causing him to yelp out in pain."I know your secret" Amir said and Lesso frowned before she stabbed Amir right in the middle of his eyes. Everyone stared in shock at what just happened as Amir fell to the ground. "I thought you said no killing until after graduation" Althea huffed out and Lesso looked over. "For you but I'm free to kill since I'm not a student" Lesso said before her eyes moved to Y/N who was facing away. Lesso walked over before wrapping her arms around Y/N from behind. She kissed Y/N on the cheek causing Y/N to smile. Y/N turned around and looked up at Lesso.

"What was Amir talking about when he said he knew your secret" Y/N asked and Lesso sighed before pulling Y/N towards the chair and sitting down. "We'll leave you guys be" Skadi said before they all left. "My full name is Leonora Lesso and I'm from Neverland" Lesso said and Y/N just stared at her in shock. "WHAT" Y/N shouted and Lesso nodded. "I know it's kinda hard to believe but it's true" Lesso said as she gripped Y/N's hands. "Are you secretly a pirate" Y/N asked causing the Dean to bark out a laugh. "If I said yes would you be scared" Lesso said as she raised her eyebrow. "God no pirates are hot" Y/N said before smirking causing Lesso to laugh. "Are you though" Y/N asked and Lesso smirked. "Guess you'll never know" she said causing Y/N to frown. She leaned in and pecked the frown away before pulling Y/N down onto her lap.


Word Count: 1,804

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