𝔏𝔞𝔡𝔶 𝔏𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔬 𝔄𝔫𝔡 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔣𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔬𝔯 𝔏𝔢𝔰𝔰𝔬

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Y/N had fallen asleep in front of the mirror a couple minutes later. Evil Y/N appeared again and smiled softly before her finger glowed. A pillow appeared under Y/N's head and a blanket appeared on top of her. "Sleep well little one you'll need it for what's to come" Evil Y/N said before she heard someone shout her name. She smiled at Y/N before disappearing again. Y/N snuggled deeper into the blanket as she curled up into a ball.

Lesso was walking around the school for good searching for Y/N but couldn't find her. She was about to head out when she saw one of Y/N's friends sneak through the halls. She decided to follow Althea until she rounded the corner and stopped. Lesso watched as Althea looked around before taking a small stone out of the wall then putting it back in causing the wall to open. Lesso raised her eyebrow before she made her way towards the wall slipping in at the last second. She quietly followed Althea down the stairs before stopping a few feet behind her when Althea stopped at a door. She watched as Althea opened the door before closing it behind her. Lesso made her way down the rest of the stairs before opening the door quietly. She froze in place at what she saw. Glass casing all around the room fill with all the former Heroes and Villains stuff. "Y/N" she heard Althea say and she looked over to see Althea crouched down in front of a sleeping Y/N that was laying in front of a mirror.

Lesso just watched in amusement as Althea tried to wake up Y/N but it wasn't working. "Oh come on Y/N wake up we need to get you back to your dorm before someone finds out you're not there" Althea huffed out as she shook Y/N but she wasn't waking up. Althea groaned before giving up as she sat down next to Y/N. "You sure are a deep sleeper" Althea muttered out as she looked at the mirror. "What's so special about this mirror anyways it just looks like an ordinary mirror" Althea said as she looked at her reflection. She stood up before walking up to the mirror and tapping it but nothing happened. She turned around before looking down at Y/N. "Guess I'll come get you in the morning then" Althea said as she bent down before pulling the blanket up more so it was fully covering Y/N's body. She stood up and made her way back to the door as Lesso stepped aside hiding in the shadows. "Sweet dreams Y/N" Althea said before shutting the door behind her.

Lesso stepped out of the shadows when she knew Althea was gone. She made her way over to Y/N before kneeling down on the ground. She moved Y/N hair out of the way before smiling softly. "You're adorable when you're sleeping Little Siren" Lesso whispered and Y/N nuzzled into her touch causing her to smile. She sat down on the ground before leaning down and kissing Y/N on the forehead. After a while Lesso had made a book appear and she started reading it as she stroked her hand through Y/N's hair. Y/N snuggled up to Lesso causing her to stiffen up a bit before relaxing as she rested her hand on top of Y/N's head. Lesso was leaning against one of the stands when she looked up to see two figures standing in the mirror. She was about to stand up when Evil Y/N spoke. "No need to beon alert we mean no harm Leonora" Evil Y/N said causing Lesso to stiffen up. "How do you know my first name" she growled out and the two figures looked at each other. "Because I'm simply Y/N but evil" Evil Y/N said and Lesso narrowed her eyes before looking at the figure standing next to Evil Y/N. "And who are you" Lesso asked and the figure raised an eyebrow before smirking. "I'm disappointed that you don't know your own reflection" the figure said causing Evil Y/N to roll her eyes.

"You look nothing like me" Lesso growled out causing Good Lesso to roll her eyes. Good Lesso was wearing a white suit with gold chains. She was wearing neutral makeup unlike Evil Lesso who wore dark makeup. She was also wearing a pair of Rimless gold glasses. Her red hair was up in a messy bun.

She definitely looked like a Professor no doubt about that

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She definitely looked like a Professor no doubt about that. "Well I assure you that I am you" Good Lesso huffed out as she shoved her hands into her pockets. "And I assure you that I would never wear something like that" Lesso spat out as she closed her book. "You're impossible" Good Lesso scoffed out as she looked away. "You two sure act the same I can tell you that" the three of them froze when they heard Y/N's voice. Lesso looked down to see Y/N looking up at her already. "How long have you been awake" Lesso asked once she snapped out of it. "Like 5 minutes I think" Y/N said as she sat up and rubbed her eyes. She wrapped the blanket around herself before scooting closer to Lesso. Y/N looked up to see her Evil side standing next to Lesso's good side. "You look hot as the Dean of Good" Y/N said causing Evil Y/N to laugh as Good Lesso blushed slightly. "I have to say the same thing with your Lesso she looks hot in all black and with that poofy hair of hers" Evil Y/N said causing Lesso to roll her eyes. The two Lesso's looked at each other before narrowing their eyes and clenching their jaws tightly.

"I think it's time we leave" Lesso said as she helped Y/N up off the ground. "Yeah I think it is" Good Lesso said as she glared at Evil Lesso who glared back. Y/N and Evil Y/N looked at each other before frowning. "Oh come on just a little while more" Y/N whined out as she looked up at Lesso while pouting. "Yeah come on what's gotten into you two" Evil Y/N said as she yanked her arm free from Good Lesso's grip. Lesso sighed before letting go of Y/N's wrist. "Fine but only for a little bit, I'm going to look around this place" Lesso growled out before she walked away from the mirror. "I'm leaving too" Good Lesso said before she disappeared from the mirror. "Well that was something" Evil Y/N said causing Y/N to nod. "They look different but they sure do act the same and have the same attitude" Y/N said causing Evil Y/N to laugh. "So what is your Lesso like" Y/N said and Evil Y/N sighed. "A handful she loves to tease me all the time" Evil Y/N said causing Y/N to giggle. "How about yours" Evil Y/N asked and Y/N smiled before saying the same thing. "They're not so different" Evil Y/N said and Y/N shook her head. "Guess not" Y/N said causing both of them to smile.

"When's your Never Ever Ball" Evil Y/N asked out of the blue causing Y/N to look up. "Uh I think Wednesday I don't exactly know I don't really pay attention to all the ceremonies" Y/N said caudi Evil Y/N to chuckle. "Of course" Evil Y/N said as she shoved her hands into her black pants. "What are you going to wear" Evil Y/N asked and Y/N thought about it. "Maybe one of mother's dresses she handed down to me" Y/N said causing Evil Y/N to smile softly as she felt tears brim her eyes. "Hey are you alright" Y/N asked and Evil Y/N just nodded before breathing in and out. "Yeah I'm alright I hope you have fun" Evil Y/N said as her voice cracked sightly before she disappeared. Y/N frowned but remembered what Evil Y/N said and felt tears brim her own eyes. Y/N whipped her eyes before turning around to see Lesso watching silently. "Let's go" Y/N said and Lesso walked up to her before pulling Y/N into a tight hug. Y/N buried her head in Lesso's chest as she closed her eyes. "Let's get you to bed" Lesso said softly as she pulled away from Y/N. She grabbed Y/N's hand before kissing the top of Y/N's nose. They walked away and out of the room.

Evil Y/N and Good Lesso appeared in the mirror as they watched the two leave. "It will happen to them won't it" Good Lesso asked as she wrapped her arms around Evil Y/N. "It has happened to all the other realities so yes and I can't tell if this one will work out" Evil Y/N said as she felt her Lesso plant kisses all along her neck and face. "I'm sure it will work out Darling just like all the others" she whispered into Evil Y/N's ear. "But what if it doesn't " Evil Y/N said as she turned around in Good Lesso's arms. "What if it doesn't work out like the others, we won't be able to do anything about it" Evil Y/N said as she gripped on her lover's arms tightly. Good Lesso sighed before lifting one of her hands up before stroking her hand through Evil Y/N's hair. "Just trust me it will work out I promise you, it might just take a little longer but it will work out" she whispered as she rested her forehead on Evil Y/N's. "Okay I trust you my love" she said before kissing her lover on the lips.

Word Count: 1,678

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