𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔖𝔢𝔠𝔯𝔢𝔱 𝔏𝔦𝔟𝔯𝔞𝔯𝔶

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It had been 3 whole weeks since Y/N and her friends arrived at the school for good and evil. Y/N had gotten closer to her never friends as they started pulling pranks on the other Evers except her friends. Y/N had told the four Nevers some of the Evers fears and they used those in the pranks they did around the good school. The 5 of them were setting up a prank above the great hall doors. The bucket was full of black slime that broken bone pieces that had blood stains on them. "So who is this for again" Leviathan said as he landed on the ground next to Y/N. "A girl named Kimberly she's absolutely terrified of anything gooey as well as bones" Y/N said and the four Nevers laughed at that. "God she's such a princess" Blythe said and Y/N raised an eyebrow. "Well it's because she is one" Y/N said and Blythe rolled her eyes.

As the sun had raised the five of them went back to their dorms before getting ready for the day. "Y/N where did you go last night" Skadi said as she sat up while stretching her arms out. Her muscles flexed as she stretched before putting them down. "Uh just a night walk in the rose garden" Y/N lied and Skadi narrowed her eyes before letting it go. Y/N finished up getting ready before waiting for her friends to get ready. After they all got ready they left to go to the great hall. They walked into the great hall and sat down at their table. Y/N Sat next to Snowbell this time so that she was facing the doors. She looked over at the Never side to see Lenore and the other three already looking at her. They nodded at her and she looked back at the doors. After a couple minutes the girl named Kimberly walked in and Y/N cut the string that was under her table. Lenore did the same thing and they watched as the black slime and bones drench the poor girl causing her to shriek out. All of the students and teachers stopped what they were doing before looking up to see the girl standing in front of the doorway. All of the Nevers started laughing as the Evers just looked in horror. Lesso stopped eating as she smirked in amusement. "Lesso you need to stop these pranks right now, everyday my students are getting pranked" Dovey hissed out as she looked up at the Dean of Evil who just rolled her eyes. She knew who were pulling the pranks obviously but it was to much fun to watch to stop them.

"Princess it's just harmless fun" Lesso said as she leaned back on her chair as she watched some of the Evers rush up to the sobbing girl. "It isn't harmless Lesso the pranks are all based on the fears my students have" Dovey said causing Lesso to raise an eyebrow. She looked over to Y/N's table to see Y/N sitting next to Snowbell. She looked over at the other table where the four Nevers where and saw them cackling still. She sighed before looking back at Dovey. "If I knew who were pulling these pranks they'd be sent to the doom room but I have no clue on who's pulling these pranks Princess" She said causing Dovey to huff before standing up. "I'm going to go attend to my student now if I find out you're l-" Dovey was cut off when Lesso stood up and towered over her. "You're gonna do what hmm report me to the Headmaster" Lesso sneered out causing Dovey to gulp before shaking her head. "That's what I thought" Lesso said as she sat back down in her chair. Dovey huffed before making her way across the great hall.

Y/N watched as Dovey and Kimberly left the hall. "These pranks are getting ridiculous" Althea said as she turned back around to look at her friends who nodded except Y/N who was deep in thought. Y/N snapped out of it when she felt something nudge her leg. She looked under the table to see the crow standing there holding something in it's beak. She leaned down and took the piece of paper before patting it's head. She sat back up and unfolded the paper before reading it. Meet me in the rose garden we have something to talk about, don't take too long though I don't like being kept waiting it read. She flipped the paper over but didn't see any signature making her frown. "What you got" she looked up when she heard Sebastian's voice. "Oh uh nothing I have to go though" Y/N said and before her friends could ask where she got up from her seat before leaving the great hall. She made her way through the good castle before walking outside and heading towards the flower garden. Once she got to the flower garden she made her way to the Rose Garden. As she got closer she saw a head of red hair. She gulped as she made her way towards the Dean of Evil. She stopped in front of the Dean who looked down at her. "Nice of you to join I'm guessing you got my letter then" Lesso asked and Y/N nodded. "Good" she said as she leaned against her cane slightly.

"Why did you ask to meet" Y/N muttered out and Lesso raised her eyebrow before smirking slightly. "I know you've been helping out some of my students pull off those pranks" Lesso said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. She was about to turn around and rush off but she was stopped by Lesso's cane. "Ah ah no running off I'm not going to punish you Little Mermaid in fact I find it quite amusing" Lesso said as she grabbed one of Y/N's wrist and pulled her in. Y/N collided with Lesso's body making her face flush. Lesso chuckled as Y/N tried to move away. She leaned down so her lips were next to Y/N's ear. "You need to stop doing these pranks though or you'll get caught by Dovey sooner or later and she will take you to the Headmaster" she whispered into Y/N's ear causing the shorter girl to shiver. "W-what if I don't want to stop" Y/N stuttered out and Lesso chuckled before licking her lips. She looked behind Y/N to see Althea standing in front of the flower garden. She moved her head to the side slightly before whispering into Y/N's ear again. "Then I'll have to stop you" Lesso muttered out causing Y/N to gasp.

Lesso pulled away and let go of Y/N's wrist before smoothing down her clothes. "Think about what I said Y/N" Lesso said as she looked down at the flustered girl one more time before walking away. Lesso walked past Althea who looked away immediately. After Lesso disappeared Althea rushed over towards the Rose garden where Y/N was still standing. "Y/N what the hell was that about" Althea said as she stood right behind her. Y/N turned around and opened her mouth to speak but all that came out was a squeak. Althea raised an eyebrow before shaking her head. "Alright nevermind we can talk about it later come with me" Althea said as she grabbed Y/N's wrist Lesso was just holding a couple seconds ago. Althea pulled Y/N towards the good castle and through the halls. She stopped in front of a wall and pulled down on the torch handle that was against the wall. Y/N looked up at the sound and saw the wall opening up. "What's going on" Y/N said as she looked at Althea who was smiling. "You'll see" she said as she pulled Y/N through the secret tunnel.

When Althea stopped Y/N's eyes widened in shock. It was a secret library filled with hundreds of thousands of books. "Come on " Althea said pulling Y/N down the steps to the first floor where three chairs and a table sat. Sitting on top of the table was a bowl of pink roses mixed with some white. "This place is just wow" Y/N said as Althea dropped her hand. "You wanna know the best part" she asked causing Y/N to look at her before nodding. "These books are all about the villains of every fairytale" Althea shrieked out causing Y/N to do the same. After they calmed down Y/N walked over to one of the shelves and pulled out a dusty book. "Looks like these books have been touched in years" she said before blowing on it. As the dust flew off she read the title and it read the History Of Maleficent on it. She smiled before looking up to see Althea holding a book as well. "What does your book say" Y/N said as she walked up to Althea. "The Enchantress" Althea said as she wiped her hand across the dark green book.

Word Count: 1,543

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