𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔚𝔦𝔰𝔥 𝔉𝔦𝔰𝔥

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Y/N walked in to the good castle smiling like a kid as she walked through the halls. "There she is"Y/N heard someone say and she looked up to see the girl that was covered in black paint walk up to her. Dovey was behind the girl with a grown and furrowed eyebrows.  "You were the one who pulled that prank" the girl spat out as she stopped in front of Y/N who's eyes widened in shock. "Everly let's not make assumptions" Dovey said as she looked at Y/N. "But professor Dovey I saw her leave the library an hour before lunch" Everly whined out and Dovey looked at her before looking back at Y/N. Y/N was starting to get nervous and she opened her mouth but nothing came out. "See I told you she was the one that di-" before the girl could finish someone placed a hand on Y/N's shoulder before coughing. The three looked at the person and saw A man with blonde messy hair that was in his face. He was wearing a Victorian outfit with black combat boots. He had sky blue eyes and his skin looked like it was sparkling. "Excuse me I hope you don't mind me cutting in but I'm the librarian and Y/N was with me checking out this book she forgot" the man said as he held up a brown book with a gold spine. "B-but" Everly was cut off when Dovey glared at her before dragging her away.

Y/N turned around as the man dropped his hand. The man didn't look over 18 but he was 26. He was a lot taller than Y/N because he was 6'0. Y/N looked at the man's features more closely. He had markings on the left side of his face, chin, jaw and down to his neck and shoulder. He had long pointy ears and a white tassel with a gold chain as an earring. He was wearing a white turtleneck tank top that had slightly darker white patterns on it. He was wearing fingerless gloves that went up to half of his forearms. He was wearing gold harem pants and white sandals. "Thank you for saving me" Y/N said and the librarian nodded before putting his hand down. "Why did you though" Y/N said and the man chuckled before looking down at her. "It doesn't hurt to have a little mischief around here and plus it was quite funny to see Everly covered in black paint she deserved it" the librarian said and Y/N giggled. "I didn't get your name" Y/N said and his eyes widened in shock before he shook his head. "Right it's Azrael I'm the librarian of both schools" he said as he held his hand out. Y/N shook it as she smiled up at him. "I'm guessing you saw me and the Nevers set up the prank then" Y/N said and Azrael smiled before nodding his head. "Don't worry I won't tell anyone" he said causing Y/N to sigh in relief.

"You should get going don't you have a lesson" Azrael said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock before she thanked him. He shook his head as he watched Y/N rush off. "I know you're there Lesso" Azrael said and he turned around to see Lesso step out from around the corner. "You're the only one who knows I'm always there" Lesso said as a faint smirk crossed her face. "Well I do have a kin sense of hearing so" Azrael said as the both of them walked into the library. They sat down at one of the tables and Lesso put her cane on the table. "I see now why you took quite a liking to that girl" he said teasing the Dean of Evil. Lesso rolled her eyes as she unfolded her arm. "I didn't take a liking to her she's just interesting" Lesso said causing the librarian to bark out a laugh as he tilted back on his chair almost falling backwards. His eyes widened in shock as he caught him self and it was Lesso's turn to laugh.

Meanwhile with Y/N she ran through the halls to get to the lake. She made it outside and ran to the lake to see everyone already there including Professor Dovey. "Glad you could finally join us Y/N" Professor Dovey said as she smiled softly. Y/N walked over and took a seat next to Althea. Althea leaned over and whispered into Y/N's ear. "Where the hell were you" Althea whispered and Y/N looked at her. "I got caught up with something" she whispered back and Althea chuckled quietly. "Alright who wants to go first" the two girls heard Dovey say making them look at her. They watched as Everly stood up after pushing her friend down who stood up as well. "God she's such a bitch" Althea whispered and Y/N laughed making everyone look at her. She stopped laughing and looked away with a faint blush. "Y/N why don't you go next" Dovey said and Y/N looked around before standing up. She walked over to the lake and knelt down before putting her hand in the water. She gasped before quickly pulling her hand out as her face turned bright red. "Is everything alright dear" Dovey said and Y/N nodded as she rushed back over and sat down. Althea looked at her friend before narrowing her eyes.

After the class ended Y/N rushed off and towards her dorm room when she ran into someone causing her to stumble back. A hand wrapped around her wrist and pulled her back up. She looked up and her eyes widened in shock as she gulped. Lesso was looking down at her with those emerald green eyes of hers which always made Y/N melt. "I uh I'm s-so sorry for running into you I wasn't l-looking at where I was going " Y/N stuttered out as she began to feel heat rise up to her face. She looked away quickly which made Lesso smirk before letting go of Y/N's wrist. "Just be careful next time Little Mermaid I won't be as nice" Lesso said and Y/N's face turned Redder at the nickname. Y/N ran off without looking back.

Y/N slammed the dorm room door shut before sliding down against it. She pulled her knees up to her chest as she thought about what the wish fish showed her. It was a image of Y/N and Lesso kissing under the moonlight near the lake. "Why the hell did they show me that it can't be real it has to be a mistake" Y/N rambled out not realizing Sebastian was in the room reading a book near the fireplace. After a couple seconds he spoke up "What can't be real" Sebastian said making Y/N jump up and almost fall. She looked over to see Sebastian looking over at her with a book in his lap. "Uh it's nothing don't worry about it " Y/N rushed out and Sebastian frowned but ignored it as he went back to reading his book. Y/N moved to the bathroom and shut the door behind her before locking it. She walked to the sink before looking in the mirror. She stroked her hand through her hair before groaning. "Why do I have to have these feelings especially for her it'll never happen" Y/N muttered out as she hit the counter causing something to fall and shatter to the ground. She looked down to see a broken glass in between the toilet and counter. She cursed before kneeling down and picking up the broken piece. She winced when one of the pieces sliced her hand open. She looked down at her hand and immediately got nauseous when she saw the blood.  She stood up immediately and staggered a bit but she turned the sink on before placing her hand under the water wincing. She rested her head on the counter as she waited for a couple seconds.

There was a knock on the bathroom door and she looked up. "Y/N are you alright in you've been in there for quite awhile now" she heard Sebastian say and she looked down at her hand to see the blood was gone. "Y-yeah I'm fine just give me a couple minutes" Y/N said as she quickly went to work on bandaging up her hand. After bandaging up her hand she was careful to pick up the rest of the glass. She threw it away before unlocking the door and opening it. She hid her hand behind her back as she walked out not seeing Sebastian anywhere. She sighed as she walked over to the balcony door. She opened it and walked out before shutting the door behind her. She felt the cool breeze hit her as she leaned against the railing causing her to shiver slightly. Out of the corner of her eyes she saw a crow on the railing causing her to look over. She held out her wounded hand and it hopped over before tilting it's head. "Oh don't worry I'm alright just a little wound" Y/N said as she petted the crow's head causing it to caw before leaning into the touch. Y/N smiled as she dropped her hand before looking out into the distance. The crow hopped over and sat next to her on the railing watching as well.


Word Count: 1,609

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