𝔓𝔯𝔞𝔫𝔨 𝔗𝔥𝔞𝔱 𝔗𝔲𝔯𝔫𝔢𝔡 𝔦𝔫𝔱𝔬 𝔄 𝔠𝔲𝔯𝔰𝔢

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Lesso pulled away after a couple seconds for air. She looked down and saw Y/N was already looking back up at her with a flushed face. Before Y/N or Lesso could speak they heard a shout. They both looked over to see someone hide around the corner. Lesso rolled her eyes before looking back at Y/N. "I'll be right back Little Siren" Lesso said as she winked at Y/N causing her to blush even more. Lesso pulled away and walked towards her friends. Y/N watched as Flounder screamed before tripping causing them to fall backwards. Y/N chuckled at that as she just watched as Lesso shouted at them. Skadi was halfway around Lesso when Lesso grabbed the back of her shirt. "And where do you think you're going" Lesso questioned as she raised an eyebrow. "To my friend of course" Skadi said and Lesso shook her head. "No you'll be going back up to your dorm rooms and going to bed" Lesso said causing all of them to groan. "Oh come o-" Lenore started but stopped when she looked at Lesso. They all huffed before going back to their dorms after saying goodnight to Y/N.

Lesso walked back over to Y/N who smiled up at her. "I might have to threaten them all so they won't tell anybody about this" she said and Y/N giggled before putting one of her hands on Lesso's chest. "Oh I'm positive they won't say a word" Y/N said before her eyes glowed blue causing Lesso to smirk. "You're something different Little Siren" Lesso chuckled out as she leaned in about a kiss Y/N but Y/N leaned back. "I hope that I'm different in a good way and not in a bad way" Y/N said and Lesso rolled her eyes before grabbing Y/N by the waist. "Of course you're different in a good way" she said before kissing Y/N on the lips again.

It was the next morning and Y/N woke up to see Skadi standing over her. "So... How'd it go last night" Skadi said and Y/N groaned as she rolled over and went under her blankets. "Oh come on Y/N" Skadi said as she pulled the blankets off Y/N. She looked over her shoulder and glared at Skadi who just raised an eyebrow. Y/N shoved Skadi's face away before she closed her eyes again. "Someone's grumpy did you stay up to late last night" Skadi asked right before she was hit in the face with a pillow. Y/N got out of bed as she stretch before making her way to the bathroom to get ready.

 Y/N got out of bed as she stretch before making her way to the bathroom to get ready

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As she walked out of the bathroom she heard a whistle. She looked up to see Flounder, Skadi and Sebastian looking at her. "What" Y/N said and the three looked at each other before looking back at Y/N. "Nothing" Skadi said as she made her way to the door. Y/N followed Skadi out as Sebastian and Flounder followed her. "Damn looking good Y/N" Y/N looked up when she heard Snowbell say that. "Thank you" Y/N said and she smiled. "Dressing up for a certain redheaded Dean are you" Althea said causing Y/N to blush. "N-no what makes you think that" she stuttered out causing her friends to smirk as they made their way to the great hall.

When the door opened to the great hall Lesso had looked up to see Y/N and her friends walk in. Her eyes trailed up and down Y/N's body before she licked her lips. Lesso snapped out of it when a hand waved in front of her face. She looked over to see Dovey looking at her with a slightly tilted head. "What's on your mind Lesso you seem quite off" Dovey asked concern lacing her words. "Nothing you need to worry about princess " she said as she looked away from Dovey and back towards Y/N and her friends. Y/N was already looking but she immediately looked away when she saw Lesso looking at her. Lesso smirked as she leaned back against her chair. Y/N was laughing with her friends when she felt like someone was staring at her. She looked around and spotted Eternity and her siblings looking at her. She rolled her eyes before going back to talking with her friends.

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