𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕽𝖔𝖘𝖊 𝕲𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖊𝖓

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A/N: I had to name this chapter The Rose Garden because of my new theme on Tumblr and the quote that I put in the bio which was this "No Lover Leaves A Rose Garden Without Blood On Their Hands"

Y/N and the crow had stood there for quite a while and the sun was starting to set. She was quite excited about tomorrow since her and the rest of her friends would be going to the rose garden for a class that day. She had the perfect dress and the perfect shoes to match. "Well I should get going to dinner now" Y/N said as she looked down at the crow who just tilted its head before flying off. "Wow not even a goodbye" Y/N said as she entered the dorm room to see her friends on their beds talking.

The crow flapped it's wings making it's way across the bridge before flying up the castle and onto a balcony of the evil school. "Took you long enough" Lesso said as she walked out and onto the balcony when the bird shifted into a young boy who had black hair and grey eyes. He had dark grey skin and markings under his eyes that went down just past his lips. He had slightly pointy ears but they weren't noticable from a distance. "Sorry Lessy" the boy said as he rubbed the back of his neck. Lesso rolled her eyes before walking up to the railing and leaning back against it. "So did you get anything about her past" Lesso said as she looked at the boy. The boy shook his head before remembering something. "No but I did see something she had a bandage wrapped around her left hand" the boy said and Lesso's head shot up. "What do you mean Soren she didn't have any bandages on when I ran into her" Lesso growled out and the boy shrugged his shoulders. "It probably happened after she ran into you" he said and Lesso sighed as she started thinking of what possibly could have happened. "Alright thank you Soren keep an eye on her alright" Lesso said as she looked at the boy who nodded before shifting back into a crow. Lesso watched as Soren flew off before walking back into her room.

It was dinner time and Y/N was sitting at the usual table she sat at, talking to her friends. She made sure none of her friends saw her bandage up hand and so far it was a success. If they found out especially Skadi she would go absolutely insane and throw anything away that could break. It happened before when Y/N was 8 and Skadi was 9. "Y/N are you okay you kinda seem out of it" Snowbell asked and Y/N snapped out of it as she looked up to see her friends looking at her. "I'm fine no need to worry" Y/N said as she faked a smile. They all looked at each other before going back to eating their food. Y/N went back to playing with her food before she randomly got up and walked out of the great hall making her friends frown. Here Never friends noticed to and they looked at each other before nodding. They all stood up but stopped when they saw Althea and Flounder stand up. The two of them walked out of the great hall and went looking for Y/N. "Should we still go" Blythe said as the three of them looked at Lenore. "Yeah let's go" she said and they left the great hall as well. Lesso had watched as they left and stood up abruptly causing Dovey to look up at her with a frown. "Where are you going Lesso" Dovey said and Lesso looked down. "I have work to finish up princess" Lesso said before leaving not letting Dovey get another word in.

Flounder and Althea made their way outside and found Y/N sitting down next to the lake with her feet in it. Althea was the first to walk over and sit down next to her. Flounder followed shortly after and sat down on the other side of Y/N. Y/N rested her head on Flounders shoulder as she looked up at the night sky. "What's on your mind Y/N" Flounder asked as they looked down at their friend. "Just some things" Y/N said as she resisted the urge to look down at her hand and give it away. "Y/N we're your friends you can tell us" Althea said as she turned a bit so that she was facing Y/N. She grabbed hold of Y/N's uninjured hand and held it with both of her hands. "Alright I'm not going to say who I saw but the wish fish showed me kissing someone under the moonlight by the lake" Y/N said and it went completely silent. She wasn't gonna tell them about her hand because they'd probably tell the others. She looked at both Flounder and Althea to see them just staring at her. Y/N was about to open her mouth when Althea shrieked out in excitement. She threw her arms around Y/N and shook her. "Oh my god oh my god oh my god that's amazing" Althea shrieked out and Y/N just smiled. "I wanna know who it is so bad but I respect your privacy" she added as she pulled away from Y/N. "Thank you" Y/N said and Althea nodded before smiling widely. "When do you think this will happen" Flounder said and the two girls looked at them. "Don't know but the moon was full and bright" Y/N said and Althea's eyes sparkled as she wrapped her arms around Y/N's. "Well there's a full moon a month away" she said and Y/N's eyes widened in shock. "T-that soon" Y/N stuttered out as her heart started racing. Althea nodded as she noticed the blush crossing Y/N's face.

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