𝔏𝔬𝔳𝔢 𝔦𝔫 𝔗𝔥𝔢 𝔊𝔞𝔯𝔡𝔢𝔫

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Skadi had secretly folded the two out but stopped and leaned against the castle wall. "You don't have to watch her anymore you know" someone said causing Skadi to jump slightly. She looked over and her eyes widened in shock. She was halfway kneeling down when the person rolled their eyes and lifted Skadi up off the ground. "Don't do that" they huffed out and Skadi apologized. "I don't know why I come down here this always happens and it's annoying" the figure said and Skadi blushed brightly as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Sorry Dawn but I can't help it, you are the sun goddess what else am I supposed to do" Skadi said looking at the woman. "Treat me like a normal person" Dawn said as she folded her arms. "Yeah that's not gonna happen your a goddess for fuck sake" she said causing Dawn to raise an eyebrow. "Sorry" Skadi apologized again causing the moon goddess to roll her eyes. She leaned in and planted a kiss on Skadi's cheek. "You're lucky I still love you and I'm glad you're still wearing that necklace" Dawn said and Skadi blushed again as she grabbed hold of the necklace that was around her neck. "I never take it off " Skadi said as she leaned back against the wall next to Dawn.

Y/N and Lesso walked through the garden until they sat in the small circular pavilion

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Y/N and Lesso walked through the garden until they sat in the small circular pavilion. Y/N watched as the sun set before shivering slightly. Lesso's finger glowed and a blanket appeared around their shoulders. She leaned in and kissed Y/N's cheek. "Never took you to be the romantic type" Y/N blurted out as she rested her head on Lesso's shoulder causing the Dean to chuckle. "I love you" Lesso whispered out causing Y/N to remove her head from her shoulder before looking at her. "What" Y/N said and Lesso grabbed Y/N's hands. "I love you" Lesso said again and Y/N smiled widely. "I love you too Nora" Y/N said as she hugged Lesso. The Dean wrapped her arms around Y/N and kissed Y/N. Y/N kissed back before standing up. She pulled Lesso up causing the blanket to fall. "Where are we going" Lesso said and Y/N just giggled. "You'll see" Y/N said as they made their way through the garden. They walked for awhile until they stopped at a lake.

Y/N let go of Lesso's hand before taking her crown off and setting in on the bench

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Y/N let go of Lesso's hand before taking her crown off and setting in on the bench. She reached behind her and unzipped her dress. She reached behind her neck and unclasped the neck piece before turning around to face away from Lesso. The dress dropped to the ground causing Lesso to look away with a blush across her face. Lesso heard a splash causing her to look back over to see Y/N already looking at her while smiling. "It's nice and warm come join" Y/N said causing Lesso to raise an eyebrow. "I'd rather watch you" Lesso said causing Y/N to frown. "please Nora" Y/N said as she made puppy eyes at Lesso who sighed. "Fine" she said and Y/N smiled before turning around. Lesso got undressed and kept her boxers and bra on before walking into the water. Y/N swam over to Lesso and looked up at her. Lesso looked down at Y/N and grabbed her pulling her close. "You don't have your tail" Lesso said and Y/N shook her head no before pulling Lesso into a kiss. Lesso moved her hands up and down Y/N's body as she moved down to kissing Y/N's neck. Y/N tilted her head back letting the Dean have more access to her neck. "God you're so beautiful" Lesso muttered out causing Y/N to blush.

Y/N was laying down on the dock with her head on Lesso's lap as she traced the scar on Lesso's knee. "What happened to your knee" Y/N asked and Lesso looked down at Y/N. "Stabbed with a sword" Lesso said as she stroked her hand through Y/N's wet hair. "Oh did it hurt" Y/N asked as she looked up to meet Lesso's eyes. "Definitely" she said as she smirked causing Y/N to giggle. She looked back at the scar before leaning down and kissing it causing Lesso to smile. Y/N rolled onto her back and reached up to touch Lesso's cheek. The Dean leaned into the touched before kissing Y/N's palm. "I love you so damn much" Y/N said as she smiled. "I love you so much more" Lesso said making Y/N furrow her eyebrows. "Not true I love you more" Y/N said causing Lesso to roll her eyes. "You really wanna do this" Lesso asked and Y/N nodded before smirking. Lesso shoved Y/N off the dock and into the water causing Y/N to yelp. Lesso laughed as Y/N came up to the surface."That was mean" Y/N huffed out and Lesso just raised an eyebrow. "Well I am the Dean of Evil so" Lesso said before she helped Y/N back up as she started shivering. A blanket appeared around Y/N causing her to sigh as she rested her head on Lesso's shoulder.

Word Count: 894

A/N: sorry this one is really short 😂🥹

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