Headcanons for my Female Ocs and Non-binary Ocs

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A/N: Here are some headcanons I gave my female Ocs and Non-binary Ocs. If you have any headcanons for them you can share!!


~ Even though she is a beast she's just a little baby who loves to cuddle and lay on big fluffy beds. She's a big hugger as well (get it because she's big when she's in beast form) anyways she'd also just follow you around like a little puppy begging for attention.

~ If you're tired and your feet hurt she'd pick up and carry you anywhere you'd like to go. She'd absolutely give you piggy back rides if you asked either in her human form or beast form whichever one you wanted.

~ She'd absolutely hurt anyone who touched you if you didn't want them to touch you.

~ If she saw someone trying to flirt with you or you hanging out with someone that likes you she'd kill them then tell you they left the school.

Skadi Frost:

~ Skadi would absolutely destroy anything that would hurt you. She'd hunt down the people who would lay a single finger on you or talk shit behind your back. She'd make them freeze to death with her powers.

~ If you were burning up outside in the blazing hot she'd wrap her arms around you from behind and cool you down with her cold body.

~ Even though she seems cold on the outside (literally) she has a warm heart and would definitely take care of you if you have a fever.

~ She'd make things out of snow and ice for you if you asked her to. She'd making anything even if it was hard to make. She'd would definitely blow snow in your direction just to watch you shiver before she laughed.

Snowbell Charming:

~ Loves to help you get ready in the morning. Brush your hair and put your makeup on.

~ Oh god does she love teasing you when you're with your friends. She would sometimes brush her hand down the back of your arm while you talk with Skadi or Althea. She whisper stuff into you ear and watch you shiver before she smirked against your ear. She'd randomly grab you by the hip and pull you into her side before pecking your cheek then leaving.

~ She loves the fact that she could rest her arm on the top of your head. She always jokes about how easy it is to lift you up off the ground.

~ When you're sick she'd tell you to stay in bed. She'd get some soup and crackers for you to eat while she held a cold cloth on your forehead or neck. She'd kiss your forehead before cuddling up to you so you wouldn't have nightmares.

Lenore DeVille:

~ Lenore well she's her mother's daughter. She'd help you pick out the perfect outfits to wear if you asked for help. She'd definitely take you shopping and buy you new expensive clothes or make them for you. She'd help you pick out the perfect shades of colors that go together.

~ If you wanted your hair dyed or cut she'd do it in any style or color you wanted.

~ If you wanted to match with her she'd be happy like really happy. Her eyes would sparkle as her smile was huge. She'd definitely make matching outfits for the occasion.

~ She'd teach you how to sew and make outfits. If you poked yourself with a needle (which was constantly) she'd make sure you didn't see the blood. She'd kiss your finger after it was patched up before helping you finish your outfit.

Blythe Heart:

~ Let's see Blythe would be absolutely crazy on Valentine's Day. She'd buy you Red roses, heart shaped chocolates. Basically anything that was heart shaped or red since she's the daughter Of The Queen of hearts. If you weren't nauseous whenever you saw blood she'd literally bring someone's heart to you with her hand drenched in blood while she just smiled sweetly.

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