Chapter 33 Idol life (Eighth member)

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A really really really long chapter enjoy.

Author pov:
The members were at Y/n's house partying and Namjoon was in Y/n's room cause he had been grounded by Jin.
He was wandering around when he saw a half open drawer of Y/n's desk. Being curious he opened the drawer to see a photo of a trainee group which had debuted a few years ago but the thing is that Y/n was in the photo. And the group had 8 members but in the photo there were 9. He rushed out of the room downstairs.

Namjoon: Y/n?! What is this?! He showed the photo

Y/n: Wha- yo where did you find that?! It's nothing. It's nothing at all.

She snatched the photo hiding it behind her. And Jade snatched it from her.

Jade: Oh my god, what?! Y/n you're a kpop trainee?!

Tisya: WHAT!?

Ruhi: What let me see.

Ananya: Where is Unnie?

Daksha: Omo!! Unnie is a trainee?!

Anushka: Oh wow I mean what?

Y/n: Goodness that was long back.

Namjoon: As in how long back?

Y/n: Umm 4 yrs back.

Hoseok: So let me get this straight you were in korea 4yrs back?!

Y/n: 6yrs back I came here. And I trained for 2 yrs and left.

Seokjin: I can't understand anything tell properly Y/n.

Y/n: (sigh) Fine so I came to korea 6yrs back to build the korean branch of the company and I saw that a kpop company was looking for trainees so I signed up and I was doing my puc in korea so I thought why not. I trained for 2 yrs but left the group since I had to take care of my company and finish my studies, the group debuted shortly after I left. After leaving the group I returned to India to finish my studies. That was the stupid thing I did.

Anushka: Ohh so that's what you meant by "I did another stupid thing being here". Ohhh now I get it.

Yoongi: Ohh ok.

Jungkook: But how come we never saw you Noona?

Y/n: I don't know. I saw you guys and that's how I practically became Army. You guys debuted after I went to India but I was still following you guys. But cause of work pressure I had to stop after taking over the company.

Few days later Bang PD called Y/n for a special request. He asked her if she would become the 8th member of BTS. He told her that her Mom had given her the permission to take an audition. After the audition.

Namjoon: Are you selected?!

Hoseok: Are you?

Jungkook: Tell us Noona.

Taehyung: Yeah tell us Noona.

Jimin: Please tell us!! Noona please.

Y/n: I don't know they said they'll inform me if I am. There were other pretty girls there I don't think I'll be selected.

Seokjin: If you don't know then don't say that you won't be selected!! You never know you know!!

Yoongi: Hyung, calm down.

She ended up actually getting selected and had a 3 day training before she debuted by the stage name Angel Dreams/AD. Army was very welcoming though she was a little nervous she didn't forget to show her true self. And Army loved her, except she did have quite the haters cause she was the only girl in the group. Later the night of Y/n's debut on stage they had a vlive.

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