Chapter 38 Final Exams (Training)

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Namjoon pov:
I and Y/n were sitting on the bed early in the morning, cuddling, when Y/n just seemed really disturbed.

Namjoon: Baby~ what are you thinking?

Y/n: Joon, the kingdom, we need to save it.

Namjoon: Why all of a sudden Baby? What's wrong?

Y/n: I don't know, it's just an inside feeling, we just need to save it, it's suffering and I just can't sit peacefully when the angels there are suffering. I need to save it Namjoon. It's really important. Otherwise there's no use of our powers, they serve no purpose here.

Namjoon: Look I understand baby, but I'm worried ok? I can't let you fight like that, it's dangerous. That king has the power of 200 angels!

Y/n: But we even individually have more power than him!

Namjoon: I know, but he has military support, he has war knowledge, he has trained security. We need to train before war or battle or any kind of rebellion.

Y/n: Then can we?

Namjoon: What about work?

Y/n: We can tell Bang PD about this right? He'd understand, maybe let us on a break for 1 year or something.

Namjoon: Fine, I'll talk to him.

Y/n: Joon, Wait! Who's gonna train us?

Namjoon: My Dad, he was afterall a trained fallen angel guard. So he can train us.

Y/n: Thank you Joon. Thank you for understanding me.

Namjoon: Baby~ it's my job! To understand you, to protect you.

Y/n: Thank you~ for everything.

Time skip, few days later,

Author pov:
Namjoon and Y/n, were supposed to train for 5 months but even the others wanted to fight for the kingdom too, so they set out for training. And Bang PD, gave them a break for 7 months. But finding a place to train was a challenge, there was no place that was ok enough to train "angels". People mustn't see them, also considering they're famous. Then in the end they decided to train in the far away forests of the angel kingdom. But the one bad thing was, getting caught. So they decided everyday, one couple would cast 2 spells on the area they were training at, the 2 spells were, one to make them invisible, they would only be seen to the others who are training, other to make it sounds proof (that the sound doesn't go out of the area and alert the angels). Today is their first training day, everyone has gathered to get ready with the basics.

N/f: We are training to fight the evil king, do you think it's easy? No! The king himself is battle trained and has trained soldiers. To defeat those soldiers, we need to be trained, mainly training is needed to swift your actions, keep your attention at your opponents and surroundings at the same time, To use your powers carefully, and to use your hands, legs, wings, swords, and weapons properly. Are you all with me?!

All: YES!!

N/f: Good, so the first thing you need to learn is flying quietly. These are one of the tricks all battling angels use, flying softly gives you a chance of being able to sneak up on your opponents without using a teleportation spell. How you do this is by first flapping your wings softly enough to raise you above the ground and then a big flap to make you raise higher and slowly tilting your wing while flapping softly, now tilting your wing helps you to move forward, if your in a hurry, you take big flaps but with the edge of your wings, that results in moving faster, you can tilt your wings to the opposite side if you want to go backwards.

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