These feelings for you.

309 11 4


"Hey Knuckles.. just because I had an enormous headache, doesn't mean I forgot about what you told me eh?" I stated.

"About my home, is that it?" Knuckles asked.

"Mhm, that's exactly it." I answered. "Look, I have a map that was actually given to me by a mother-figure I had when I was younger. The map had an emerald on it, I never knew what it meant before." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Do you feel better at least before we could succeed?" Knuckles asked, and I happily nodded.

"Then let's get going." He smiled back.

We started walking where the map was, at my home. I took a glance at Knuckles.

Admiring his beauty once again, and I felt my face start to redden.

I came across a thought that I never thought I'd ever think of.

How can someone like him, ever be interested in someone like me?

Does he even swing that way at all?

"What are you thinking about?" Knuckles asked.

Shoot, without ever realizing it! I was still staring at Knuckles.. that's what I get for being buried in my thoughts.

"I- uh.. was thinking about your home, I bet it's beautiful." I answered.

"It is.. though it doesn't have very happy memories." He replied.

"Because of the wipe out.. right?" I hesitated, and Knuckles nodded.

"Apart from that, it's still very beautiful. Maybe you should come see it, if you'd like." Knuckles suggested.

"I'd love to!"

"Is this it?" Knuckles placed his hands on his hips, looking at the house in front of us.

We've been talking for quite a bit that we've already arrived at my home, huh?

"Yeah.. it is." I said. "But.. Tom and Maddie aren't home?"

"Tom and Maddie?" Knuckles asked, raising a brow.

"I live with them." I said.

"I see.."

"But thank goodness they're not, I didn't feel like sneaking inside." I rolled my eyes. "Cmon.."

Knuckles and I entered the house, and it was really quiet.

"Now there is a dog in here, so we're going to have to be really quiet." I placed a finger on my lips.

"A little too late for that.." Knuckles pointed behind me. I slowly turned behind me to see that Ozzy was there.

"Hey buddy!" I exclaimed as Ozzy jumped on me, causing me to land on the floor. I looked up at Knucklss to see him backing up a little.

"Don't worry about him Knuckles! He's friendly!" I said as I started petting Ozzy.

"I see.." Knuckles said.

Ozzy got off of me & started making his way towards Knuckles. I started to panic, hoping that Ozzy wouldn't do anything to him.

I quickly got up from the ground to see Knuckles petting Ozzy.

"You're right, he is friendly." Knuckles smiled at me, and I smiled in return.

"We're getting distracted.." I nervously stated.

"Right.. let's get going."

Knuckles and I started going up the stairs, heading towards my room.

"This is a nice home you've got here." Knuckles said, breaking the slight silence between us.

"Thank you.." I chuckled, turning the knob of my door and opening it.

With Knuckles following me, I quickly made my way to drawer and opened it to reveal the map that was given to me.

"Here it is!.." I showed it to him.


There it is Knuckles..

Cmon! Grab it and get out of here!

If you find this mysterious object you can finally leave this confusing planet & save your home!

Why aren't you grabbing it?! Why isn't my body doing what I'm telling it to do?!

I was screaming at myself in my head.

This isn't what I really want..

Is it possible that I actually want to form a friendship with this hedgehog.. with Sonic? He's such a sweet creature, even after what I've done to him in the beginning. I've got to admit that he's amazing, and it's practically making me go insane.. and confused.

What is this that I'm feeling? And, why does this feeling only occur when I'm around him?

"You have such a wonderful home, Sonic. Why don't you want to return?" I asked. He looked down at the floor with a frown and I immediately felt like an idiot for asking such thing.

"I feel like a burden." He answered. That response only made me feel a lot worse.

"Why's that?" I asked again.

"I feel like I'm such a handful.. I don't listen, I never do. I'm doing this for them!" Sonic cried out.

Then it suddenly hit me.

Do I actually need to go home? After meeting him, do I even want to go back home? Even better!..

I can take him with me.

"Sonic.." I grabbed his open hand, since the map was in the other and I didn't want to feel tempted. "I don't know what you've done to me.. it's like you put some spell on me, you confuse me so much."

"Knuckles, what are you-" Sonic shook his head, side to side in confusion.

"I hate that you're feeling this way! I could feel it in my chest. Which is why I'm asking you to come with me.. return with me back home." I smiled softly.

Sonic's eyes widened, but I can tell that it was with joy because of a bright bling that appeared in his eyes after.

"Knuckles.. I'd love to. I'd love to go with you!" Sonic exclaimed.


"Of course. But.. why ask me? I've suddenly became so special to you?" Sonic asked.


I've decided to confess whatever these feelings may be. It's not like I'm afraid.

"It's because I've caught these feel-"

"Sonic!?" A voice behind us said.

Sonic and I quickly turned around to see a two-tailed fox.


Knuckles and I turned behind us to see Tails standing at the doorway of our bedroom.


"Where have you been?! And, who's this?!" Tails asked, glaring at Knuckles and reaching behind him.

"Relax Tails.. he's just a friend." I said, placing a hand in front of Knuckles' chest.

"Do you have any idea how Tom & Maddie are!? They're worried sick." Tails yelled.

"You don't get it Tails.. I'm not returning home." I said.

"What?!.. but why-" Tails puts his eyes back on Knuckles.

"It's this guy isn't it?! I'll show you, you red fiend!" Tails yelled, pulling a taser from his back.

"Leave him alone Tails!" I put my hands out, covering Knuckles.

"I've got this Sonic.." Knuckles said as he turned me around, so that I was facing him.

And then it happened again.

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