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A week later Hitoshi and Miyo are sitting in the living room together. Their U.A. letters just arrived and they're holding them in their hands, the envelope feels too heavy to be a letter though. The schools bright red logo stands out from the dull white of the envelope, it's glaring into Miyo's soul. Hitoshi sits down on the sofa, Miyo copies him.

"Miyo... do you want to open yours first or do you want me to go first?"

Hitoshi asks him in a shakey voice, Miyo doesn't trust his voice at the moment so he just jerks his head at Hitoshi's envelope. He nods and carefully rips the thing open. A grey disc falls onto the coffee table.

"It must be a recording or something because nothing else is in the envelope..."

Hitoshi pokes it and it a light flickers on the side. A beem shoots out of the top of it,


Hitoshi and Miyo both flinch back from the sudden sound and grab each others hand.

"Hello Young Shinsou! I am here to inform you of your results of your entrance exam!! In the written part you got an impressive 91%! Congratulations on such a high score!!
Now, you also tried out for the Hero Course!"

A screen pops up beside All Might and Hitoshi shows up on it, they see him pulling people out of harms way and him defeating a few robots.

"You got a total of 13 Villain points! Normally this wouldn't be enough to get you into the Hero Course... "

Hitoshi droops in his seat, his grip on Miyo's hand is cutting off it's blood circulation making it feel like the first stage of pins and needles.

"BUT! We weren't just looking for villain points! No, no, no! A real hero protects others and helps those in need!! So Young Shinsou! You have been rewarded an amazing 49 Rescue points!! Giving you a total of 62 points! Ranking you at No. 6 out of the other examinees!

Young Shinsou, I welcome you into U.A.'s Hero Course class 1-A, one of the classes I shall be teaching this year! This is the beginning to your heroic future!"

The projection switches off. Hitoshi is trembling in his spot, Miyo pulls him close and the dam breaks. He sobs into Miyo's shoulder and grips onto him for dear life.

"You did it Hitoshi, your going to be a hero!"

"I did it... I got in... Miyo I got into the hero course!!! I did it!!" He kneels down on the floor and breaks out into hysterical laughter, clutching his stomach with shaking shoulders.

Miyo smiles softly, then he looks down at the envelope in his lap. He peals open the envelope and gently place the circular projector onto the table. Miyo stares at it for a while and after pulling himself together he taps the side of it.

A projection of All Might lights up onto of it.

"HA-HA!! I AM HERE! Hello Young Takei! I am here to inform you of your results of your entrance exam!! In the written part you got an outstanding 94%! Congratulations on such a high score! Now, you also tried out for the Hero Course!

You got a total of 36 Villain points! Normally this would be well over enough to get you into the Hero Course...

BUT! We weren't just looking for villain points! No, no, no! A real hero protects others and helps those in need! So Young Takei! You have been rewarded an amazing 61 Rescue points! Giving you a total of 97 points! Making you the top scorer in this year's hero exams!

Takei, I welcome you into U.A.'s Hero Course class 1-A, one of the classes I shall be teaching this year! This is the start to your heroic future!"

Miyo blinks, once, twice, three times.

"Highest score? In this year's exam? Out of everyone else? Oh my–"

Miyo is cut off by Hitoshi flinging himself at him, knocking them both onto the floor.

"YOU GOT IN! YOU HAVE THE HIGHEST SCORE! Oh my god Miyo we both got in! We're in the same class! Yes!–"

Hitoshi shakes Miyo as he speaks still going on and on –Is he trying to rearrange his insides? Is Hitoshi trying to imatate a blender?- Ari and Manami walk into the room and make amused faces at them, Miyo sends them a pleading look and they just smile at him.

For the rest of the evening them celebrate together and ordered the UA uniforms. Ari and Manami bring them out for dinner, they all have a great time and once they get back to their house they all head to their rooms to get into bed.

Ao keeps doing loops and somersaults around the room, Miyo just lets him tire himself out because he would never calm down if Miyo stopped him himself. He falls into the land of dreams within five minutes of laying on the bed.

~ ~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~~ ~ ~ ~

The next morning Miyo goes on his run, passing the fully cleared beach and going to the cemetery his Mom's buried in. He sits down in front of her grave and catch his breath,

"I got into U.A. Mom... I got into the hero course! I got 94% in the written exam and I got the top score out of all the other hero course examinees in the practical exam!

We start our first semester next month, I can't wait! I met three boy's during the exam, Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki, and Monoma Neito... I helped them get away from the huge 0 pointer, I had helped a green haired girl too, but she left without saying anything...

Do you think I scared her? I used my quirk on the four of them, the other three didn't say anything about me or my quirk... So I hope they might be in my class, be my friends if they want to."

Miyo pulls his phone out of his pocket, it's 7:06am, he needs to get back to the house soon.

"I'm sorry for cutting our chat short, but I need to leave. I'll come visit tomorrow morning Mom. Love you."

Miyo stands and brushes down his clothes, making sure he doesn't have any mud, small stones, or leaves stuck to his pants. Glancing back at his Mom's grave one last time, he turns and jogs back home.

"I hope U. A. is different to the other schools, I wonder who will be my new classmates and who our homeroom teacher is..."

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