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As the story begins, Drake was at college and was going to his class for lecture.

He was late today, as he asked permission from the teacher that he would come inside, the teacher refused to let him in as he was standing there trying to enter the class after 15 min of the commencement of the lecture.

So Drake couldn't get inside, as he looked around to see if he can find anyone of his friend from other section be he saw no one there.

As he had got a free lecture now, he thought to go somewhere where he can relax and chill for the time being.

So he went to the roof of the college where he usually chill with his friends all the time.

He just went toward the railing and stood their looking around and started using his smartphone.

Just as he was indulged in it, he heard a sound from his back.

Just as he turned around he saw something non familiar but something insane.

As he was seeing a dimensional portal being opened right before his eyes.

He was shocked and excited both at a time.

As he tried to went close, a figure just emerged  out from the portal.

A strange man just came out of the portal but he was looking very different from him.

He had strange color skin tone and was wearing a strange mask.

As the strange man came close toward Drake, Drake backed out and he was now just at the railing.

He told him to stop coming close and tell who he was.

As the strange man stopped and removed his mask.

Which revealed his face but Drake was not able to analyse his face, as his face was not getting registered in his eyes to give signal to his brain to visualise a picture.

Drake tried to rub his eyes but couldn't see it even now.

Drake asked him

' why i can't see your face, though i am seeing it but still can't see.

What's happening ? '

The man just laughed and said

' you won't be able to see my face because i don't want to you to see it but i can tell you something that is my name which is “ ZEN ”

I cannot tell you anything else but i can tell you just one more thing and that is

“ i will kill you when the time comes, so enjoy up until now your new life ”

“ DIE ”

Just Saying that he came close to Drake who was not able to move a single inch even if he tried to do so nor he was able to speak.

In his mind he was scared that he was going to kill him and just wanted to run but couldn't do anything.

Feeling all hopeless tears started to flow out of his eyes, as just the moment Zen has closed to him and grabbed him from his throat and picked him up in the sky.

Zen was chocking Drake so hard it was getting so difficult for Drake to breath.

Slowly and slowly he started to faint but just around that moment Zen dropped him right there.

Drake picked up his breath and was able to get back his consciousness but that was just for mere seconds.

Drake tried to move and he was able to do so, as he tried to look at Zen as he was glaring at him and grinning menacingly.

Drake saw his face at that moment and was so scared to look at his face.

He was looking like a figure of a real demon who as he had big sharp tooth like sharks and also had strange horns on his fore head.

He was looking spitting image of a demon.

Drake before was not able to move due to unknown reason but now he was not able to move or speak due to terror.

Drake's whole body started to shiver in fear, his teeth started to click with each other.

He was in so much fear that he was almost close to pee himself.

Just not wasting any more moment Zen just came up front and kicked Drake right in his belly and drake went right through the railing breaking them.

As blood splattered out of his mouth he was falling down, Zen was still grinning at him from the top as he saw him fall and die until the very end.

Drake kept falling and his whole life flashed in front of his eyes as he didn't wanted to die but can't do anything now.

As slowly and slowly he went straight toward his death as he hit the ground and was bleeding heavily as he hit his head.

He fall from a 4 story building and was now facing Zen who was glaring at him from the top.

His eyes were still looking in his direction and blood kept flowing out of mouth as he died slowly.

As he died, Zen got out of there through his portal and left.

Drake has died and people came to check on him and took him to the hospital where he was declared dead.

Drake had died and now in his own world where he could see nothing he was roaming around with his consciousness until......

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