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I was loving the ambience of the party . The party was taking place in a very lavish hotel , I was nervous at first but when Maan held my hand all my nervousness went away , it felt so nice Maan holding my hands I just got butterflies in my stomach.
Yash and Meera were really nice people at first I thought that they were going to be like those snobby rich people but after meeting them my views changed.

"Amaira would you like some drinks?" asked Abhimaan

"Yeah just one orange juice "

Abhimaan was looking so handsome today. You know what I just love seeing him in black clothes, it's just he looks even more hot and handsome in black.

Everything was fine until that girl named Naina arrived. She was looking at my Maan like as if she was going to eat him , I wish I could beat this fox faced women. I could see Maan getting a bit uncomfortable because of Naina.

Thank god he asked her to leave us orelse I would have changed the shape of her face.

No one I repeat no one stares at my Maan. He is just mine.

After few minutes Maan had to leave as Yash was calling him. I was sitting near the bar area alone when that fox faced women again appeared in front of me

I will seriously kill this women ugh!!.

"Hello myself Naina mathur, Abhimaan's girlfriend."

What girlfriend I felt something breaking and that was my heart.

No this is not possible Maan in mine , I felt like crying.

"Who are you and why are you around my Abhi"

"Just remember one thing you low life Abhi is mine it's just that we had a fight for which he is a bit angry on me otherwise he loves me a lot "

What my Maan loves someone else

Before could start crying in front of her I ran towards the poolside area and let my tears fall free.

"No no no this is not possible my Maan can't love anyone else especially that fox faced women"

I sat near the poolside and kept on crying until I felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to me with the eyes which I fell in love with unconditionally, my Maan's eyes.
But now I can't call him mine as he belongs to someone else.

He made me stand up and held my waist and pulled me closer to his chest. I could smell his spicy colonge. He held my chin softly and made me look into his eyes.

"What happened Amaira why are you crying?" He asked me worriedly

I couldn't speak one word as I was getting affected by this closeness.

No no this is wrong he already has a girlfriend.

I tried to wiggle out of his hold but his hold on my waist became even more stronger because of this.

"Leave me Maan"

"No I won't unless you don't tell me the reason for your tears."

That's it I couldn't control anymore and spoke whatever came into my mind.

"Why do you care you already have that Naina ,your girlfriend just leave me and go to her as you love her way to much" I shouted at him.

He just looked at me intently and asked

"Why are you feeling sad if I have a girlfriend?"

"Beacause I love you did you get it I freaking love you way too much"

But I couldn't speak any further as I felt a set of cold lips on mine.

Oh my god Abhimaan is kissing me !!!!

I just stood still and he kissed me passionately.

After few minutes he left me and looked into my eyes with many emotions I couldn't pin point.

"I love you too Amaira more than you can imagine. I fell in love with you from the day I saw you"

Am I hearing something wrong did my Maan say that he loves me too , I just couldn't believe my ears.

"What really " I asked him softly

"Yes I love you a lot"

Suddenly a thought crossed my mind

"Then what about Naina?"

"She is not my girlfriend, that stupid women had a crush on me since college time but I had rejected her "

"Get this in your head Amaira that the only girl I love is you "

I jumped out of joy and hugged him tightly and he hugged me back. We stayed like this for few minutes absorbing eachothers presence.

"By the way since when did you start loving me?" He asked in an amused tone

I looked at him shyly

"Since the day I saw you"

He just chuckled on hearing my reply and kissed my forehead lovingly

This is pure bliss.

"So it is official that from now on Miss Amaira Sharma is Mr Abhimaan Rathore's girl"

I am damn sure my entire face must have turned red.

"And Mr Abhimaan Rathore is Miss Amaira Sharma's man , only hers" I said after mustering up some courage

We both started laughing.

"Come let me drop you back home Amaira as it is getting late."

Ugh!! I want to spend some more time with you Maan but anyways we have to leave.


It had been almost 15 minutes we had reached my house but we were still sitting in the car as no one was ready to leave eachother.

"Maan I need to go now it's late"

I could see that Maan did not want me to leave but what can be done

"Ok bye " said Abhimaan in a low tone.


But before I could get down of the car he pull me back closer to him and again kissed me, this time more passionately and this time I too gave in. I could feel butterflies in my stomach.

After what almost felt like eternity we broke the kiss.

I was blushing profusely and looking down shyly

I quickly opened the car's door and ran into my house as I was too shy to meet his eyes. I could here him chuckling from behind in his deep manly voice which made many things happen in my body.

I entered my room and went towards my window to see whether he was still there or not.

Just when I looked at him he too looked back at me and gave me a smirk .

I quickly pulled the curtains as I was too shy and at that time . My mobile beeped , I opened it to see that I had got a message from Maan.

"Goodnight sweetheart , dream about me"

Oh my god I feel like the butterflies are going burst out of stomach now.

And at that moment I heard the engine starting I pulled up the curtains to find that he was gone.

I fell on the bed and left a sigh.

"Today's day was the best day of my life" I murmured with a smile.

And I don't know when sleep engulfed me taking me to the dreamland where there was only me and my Maan.


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