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I just ran away from the wedding as I couldn't tolerate to see the scene unfolding in front of my eyes. We were supposed to get married, I was supposed sit as the bride beside Maan but now someone else has taken my place. Tears flowed from my eyes, I am just walking aimlessly on the road and soon it started raining , it was as if God was also shedding tears seeing destiny's cruel game.

Just then I could see a car coming towards me in full speed and before I could move it hit me and went away. My vision started getting blurred and the last thing I heard before passing out was Naina screaming my name.



"Sit down Abhi" ordered my mother .

"Now what do you want?"

"Nothing much just one thing " She smirked

"Look you are now married to Aanya and you know what happens between a married couple right?"

"Just come straight to the point " I said in a no nonsense tone

"You know it's your wedding night so I want
you to consumate your marraige " She dropped the bomb

I could feel my veins bursting due to anger . How can I give myself to anyone else other than my Amaira. I am a man that does not mean I can sleep around with anyone, I too have feelings .

"No I won't " I screamed

"Tone down your voice you are in no position to argue with me" She said coldly while a smirk was pasted on her face.

"You do what I tell you or else you know the consequences. First it was your child now if don't listen to me it will be Amaira "

"How can you be this cruel aren't you a mother do mothers treat their children like this" My voice cracked .

"Stop this emotional drama and do what I have told you . If you keep her happy her father will be happy and if he is happy he will help us expand our business"

"So my life is just a business deal for you right?"

"Think whatever you want but never try to go against me or else you know the consequences "

Why am I so weak, really love makes you weak.

I closed my eyes and just chanted one thing in my mind that I am only doing this for protect Amaira and stormed out of the room and directly went to the bar.


I was heavily drunk when I came back home.As soon as I entered the room I could see it was decorated with flowers and Aanya was sitting on the bed all dolled up. This was my Amaira's place but now someone else is sitting there. A lone tear escaped my eyes.

I can't do it my heart screamed but I had no other option.

I felt a hand crawling up my body I looked down to see that it was Aanya. I was so disgusted by her touch that I pushed her away and she fell on the ground.

"What the heck are you doing Abhimaan. How dare you push me!!. You do know the consequencesof doing this right" She screamed

"I know what are the consequences and this is why I am standing here, right in front of you" I said gritting my teeth.

"Good if you know about it so let me do my work now or else you will be finding Amaira's dead body tomorrow " She smirked

"Only for you Amaira " I mumbled and let Aanya do whatever she wanted to do with me.



I woke up to the sound of machines beeping. I saw my surroundings to find out that I was in a hospital.

"Oh thank god you woke up" I heard Ma crying.

Suddenly the memory of Maan getting married to someone else flashed in mind and my heart clenched.

"I was petrified seeing you in this condition beta, what if Naina hadn't come to save you " cried Ma

I didn't say a word as my mind was completely blank

"Say something Amaira " She shaked my body.

"What should I say Ma everything is over " I said blankly

"This is not done Amaira you can't keep on living like this . This is why I have decided something for you"

"I have decided to get you married "

I looked at her with wide eyes

"I won't marry anyone Ma" I said with a tone finality in my voice.

"I am not asking you Amaira this is my order. I can't see you die slowly everyday."

"No Ma I won't , you can't force me" I shouted

She did not say anything and left the room

"Why is the entire world against our love ." I cried



I am disgusted of myself. How could I let someone else other than Amaira touch me. I always believed that Amaira was my first and also will be my last but I guess nothing ever goes as planned.

Right now I was under the shower trying to remove Aanya's disgusting touches from my body , I was rubbing my skin so hard that it started bleeding but still her touches were not getting removed. My tears had dried now, I was completely numb and broken , my body started shaking I think I am getting a panick attack and soon I passed out.


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