
693 23 13

Me: Hey

Ty❤️: Hi

Me: what do you doing?

Ty❤️: nothing much. Watching tv.

Me: sheriff still out of town?

Ty❤️: yeah🌚

Me: can I come over?

Ty❤️: sure. We can call it a movie night.

Me: sure.

I put my phone in my pocket and jump off the bed, getting my hair in pigtails and applying light makeup. Deeming myself ready and nice, I leave my house.

I see Pugsley, my brother, sitting on the side of the road and drawing something on the concrete ground with a stone.

"Hey, I'm going at Tyler's. Tell mom."

He shrugs, not even looking up at me.

"What are you drawing?" I peek over his shoulder and frown.

"Is it a chicken head?" I ask, trying to figure out the weird looking thing.

He nods, continuing to draw.

I smack the back of his head and leave.

Tyler opens the door with a smile and pulls me in. He closes the door and pushes me against it, kissing me passionately.

I smirk but kiss back, running my hands through his hair while his rest on my hips.

"Someone's eager." I say between kisses.

He makes a noise then kisses down my neck, I throw my head on the door and tug at the end of his curls. His mouth slightly parts as he sucks on my neck, sure of leaving a few marks. I let an unwanted moan out.

I can feel his smile on my skin and tug a little harsher at his hair and he sucks hard in response.

"I t-thought it was a movie night." I say in small gasps.

"Yeah. But the movie could be happening in real though." He replies and moves to the other side of my throat and starts kissing there.

"You jerk." I pull him away from my neck and look in his glassed over eyes.

He smirks, I kiss him hard.

We make out for what I think is for several long minutes then finally decide to watch something.

Tyler put on 'The Conjuring' and we settle on the couch of his living room.

He gets immersed in the movie and I take this time to glance around the room. I've been here several times and my eyes always land on the photo frame sat on top of the fireplace.

There's three of them. Sheriff Galpin, Tyler's mom and a 4 year old Tyler. They look so happy, free from any burden and shit life thrown at them. It's a moment of pure happiness captured in that photo.

Sheriff Galpin has his arms around the woman and she's holding Tyler in her arms while kissing his cheek and the sheriff kissing his other cheek. He has this biggest and carefree grin on his face, it tugs at my heart and I feel a sense of longing to see this smile on his face again. Directed at me.

His startled jump breaks my trance and I look over to see Tyler chuckling nervously and looks a little scared. I smile and snuggle underneath him, kissing his cheek.

"Scared?" I ask.

"Just a jump scare."

We continue to watch the movie, Tyler occasionally jumping or yelping while I just laugh at his antics and try to comfort him.

When the movie's over, we both have pizza and then it's almost over 10. Since sheriff Galpin has gone on a week's mission, I decide to stay the night.

Honestly, I don't want to leave him. What if he does something to himself?

I know he's hurting. He misses his mom, he misses his dad being himself and love him like before. He feels lonely and he hates that the killer of his mother is still roaming out there, free. While he's trapped in a single cell with his demons.

Subconsciously, I take his arm and start inspecting it. A knife pierces through my heart when I see the scars scattered across the skin. Some are white lined and puffy, some are reddish and look new. I softly trace my finger over them, he winces and quickly folds him arm back to himself, hiding the marks with his sleeve.

"Don't. It'll only hurt you." He mutters with his eyes fixated on the screen.

"Would you ever stop? Or atleast go to therapy? Or you will just keep hurting me."

His eyes twitch in the slightest, his fingers doing that curling and uncurling again.

"Don't try to talk me into anything. Nothing will ever be okay again. So, please stop." He stands up and goes upstairs, probably to sulk in his room.

I sigh, exhaling sharply. Well, untill he cools down, I should complete the movie.


A Pʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ Tᴏ Kᴇᴇᴘ || Wᴇᴅʟᴇʀ(WᴇᴅɴᴇsᴅᴀʏxTʏʟᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now