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Didn't I tell you all to calm down?
Now, be happy!


It's one of the happiest days of my life.

No. It is the most happiest day of my life.

Tyler's getting discharged today.

I'm taking him home. Where he will have all the comfort and love.

I have already packed his bag and got him changed in fresh, casual clothes. Enid and Ajax were here just a couple of minutes ago before leaving for their work.

They just announced their engagement and will throw a party after Tyler's able to attend.

"Take care, dearest. We will see you soon." Mom kisses Tyler on the head as they are leaving now.

He smiles at her, his smile not really reaching his eyes. "Thanks, ma'am."

"Rest well." Dad says and shakes hands with him then the two depart, leaving me and Tyler alone.

We haven't had the chance to talk about everything that happened yet. He woke up a day ago and has been under close observation ever since. I also didn't want to burst him with questions so I kept myself shut for the time being.

I could tell he was anxious and wanted to talk but I just blinked and assured him.

But now, as we finally have the time to talk, he is quiet and his eyes seem like they have lost the glint in them.

"Let's go."

I help him on his feet as he wobbles a little due to not being on feet for days. But he gets a hang on and put his arm over my shoulder. I grab his waist and we walk out the door.

Both of us sigh out a relief when we step into the warm sunlight outside of this horrible place.

We get to the car and he settles down and I start the engine.

"I can't wait to get home." This is the first time he speaks to me and I lightly smile.

"I know."

The drive through is silent then we finally reach home and I park the car on the driveway.

He gets out on his own and I follow behind with his bag. I let him open the door and it's really awkward. The air feels heavy with tension.

"Do you want a sponge bath?" I ask, knowing very well he must be feeling greasy.

He shakes his head. "Later. Can you get me something to eat? The hospital food sucked."

I chuckle, feeling a lot light hearted and happy that he is acting somewhat normal.

I go in the kitchen and watch as he flops down on the couch of the living room, turning the tv on but his eyes train out the windows. It is hard to not ask if he is okay or not, but I know he's probably pissed with this question after being asked several times already.

"I'll head to the balcony for a bit." He states, making my heart jump.

Of course, I have cleaned the place and decorated it with plants and fairy lights to wire off the dull atmosphere. But it still gives me jitters, thinking about what could've happened there if I was a bit too late.

"Okay." I watch him go and keep on looking up while I make him chicken noodle soup.

Quickly done with the soup, I carry it upstairs to the balcony, I breath out when I spot him sitting on the swing with a side smile on his face.

"Hey." I grab his attention and he smiles at me.

I sit by him and he takes the bowl from my hands. I admire how he appetizingly slurps the soup down and makes a contentful noise.

"You like it?"

"I love it. Thanks." He makes my heart happy.

We stay silent for the time he eats then he put the bowl on the coffee table on the side and subconsciously scoots closer to me. I don't mind a single bit, if anything, I've been dying to feel him close again.

I don't know how long we remain in comfortable silence untill he breaks it.

"I'm sorry."

My breath wavers, but I keep my mouth shut.

He takes my hand and laces our fingers together.

"I'm extremely sorry I broke my promise. I j-just couldn't handle it all anymore. I swear I was never gonna do it. It was a heat of the moment thought and I just got lost. I am sorry I put you through so much. I don't deserve you." He starts crying, breaking my heart.

I pull him to me and hug him tight, he buries his face in the crook of my neck and squeezes me tight. I card my fingers through his hair while he cries his heart out.

"If anyone deserves me, it's only you, Tyler Galpin. I love you, and I wanna live with you. For the rest of my life. You hear me? I know what you did was terrible to me, but I also know you will never do this to me again. Especially now that I-"

"You what?" He pulls away and looks at me with worry etched on his brows.

I gaze in his grey eyes and take a deep breath, preparing to let the words spill out. It is time.

"Tyler, I'm pregnant. It's been two months. I was about to tell you but- anyway, you're gonna be a dad."

His face contorts into the biggest grin and he lungs forward and hugs me tight, I can literally feel his smile as he presses kisses all across my neck and hair.

I hug back just as tight and smile in relief.

"Thank you so much. Thank you. I love you."

We part from the hug and softly connect our lips together, my heart flutters as I finally get the taste of his amazing lips.

"Let's make a new promise." He says after pulling apart.

Our hands lay interwinned on my lap while our eyes bear deep in the other's.

"Let's make a promise to stay together, forever."

Nothing can make me grin bigger than this.

"Are you proposing me?" I quirk an eyebrow.

"I am."

"Then ask away."

He kisses my hand. "Wednesday Addams, the light at the end of my tunnel and the sun that illuminates my dark life, will you do me the honor and marry me?"

"Yes. I will. And you, you are the love that made my heart blossom and changed my life for good. You complete me and you are the other half of my soul, so, don't you dare ever think of leaving me."

He beams and we kiss, again and again and again.

We can never get tired. We have a promise to keep.



Thank you lovely people for liking and voting my story.

There'll be an epilogue. And then it's done!

A Pʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ Tᴏ Kᴇᴇᴘ || Wᴇᴅʟᴇʀ(WᴇᴅɴᴇsᴅᴀʏxTʏʟᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now