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The only sound connecting me to my lover is now the beeping of his heart monitor. Keeping me sane and letting me know that he's still here.

It's been two days since I found my boyfriend in that horrible state. He lost a lot of blood and his body isn't responding well. His wounds are barely healing thus it is taking time for him to regain sense. Doctors are not even sure about his recovery.

But I know he'll be okay. He'll come back to me. Come back to his baby. He can't leave without even knowing about this presence that is gonna rile up our worlds. He has to survive and come back.

As always, I stay by his side with his cold hand firmly settled in mine. I smile at him and caresse his head, then adjust the breathing mask on his face and place a small kiss on his forehead.

"Don't you worry, mm? I'm right here."

My attention diverts to the sound of the door opening and I turn around only to feel my blood boiling at the appearing figure of Sheriff Donovan.

His eyes are hollow and sunken in the sockets, lips busted and he looks like he hasn't slept in days. Well, I couldn't care less about him.

"What are you doing here?" I hiss, my hand tightening the hold on Tyler's.

"What do you mean? He's my son." He remarks, but there's no hint of anger in his tone.

"Wasn't he your son when you pushed him to do this to himself?"

Donovan takes a shaky breath at that, rubbing a hand over his exhausted face.

"D-did he tell you about what happened?" He asks in a wavering voice, my ears perking up.

I slowly let Tyler's hand rest on the bed and approach the defeated sheriff, crossing my arms across my chest.

"No. But I know he's done it because of you. You made him do this. Why? Why don't you just accept him as your own? Why can't you just love your own child?" I plea, my eyes welling up from tears and I have to pinch the bridge of my nose to stop myself from bursting out.

He looks staggered and drowned as he swallows hard, his own eyes bloodshot.

"I-I never wanted this for him." He speaks, eyeing his son on the bed, squeezing his eyes shut then re-opening them, "I was-was just so mad at myself. For not finding his mother's killer. And I took it out on my boy." He sniffs, rubbing his eyes but the tears do make their way down his face.

"I'm so sorry." He sobs.

I uncross my arms and wipe my own eyes.

"You should've said it when he was still here." My chest tightens at the thought that my Tyler, in fact, isn't here with me now.

"I will. I promise. I will tell him as soon as he wakes up."

"I don't want him to see you right away. I will call you when the time's right." I say disheartenedly.

He nods and wipes his face vigorously. "Fine. It's fine. I-I'll leave now. But please, let me know as soon as there's any update."

I nod.

He walks toward the bed and slowly strokes Tyler's hair. "I'm sorry, son. Please come back so I can apologize."

I hold it together untill he disappears out the door then collapse on the stool beside his bed. Nausea hits right that moment and I have to jump on my feet and run to the washroom to throw up.

Cleaning my face and barely resting myself against the sink, I take deep breaths. Thoughts of our happy times fill my mind and I hold the wave of sobs from ripping out. My trance breaks by the sound of loud beeping from the heart monitor.

Frantically, I rush back to the room only to see Tyler's body convulsing.

I rush to his side and click the bell to call the doctors while he convulses. My body starts shaking and I hold his hand tightly.

Soon doctor and nurses swirl in and they start yelling and throwing orders around while I keep crying and sobbing and yelling for them to do something and make him okay.

One of the nurses inject something in his arm and after a moment, the colvulsing stops. I go quiet and take deep breaths, watching him intently.

"Wh-what happened?" My voice trembles.

Doctor Ray, his doctor from the earlier days of his cutting, looks at me with sympathetic eyes.

"He had seizure. But thankfully, it wasn't a serious one or else he could've gone into cardiac. He's stable for now. Let's see how he responds to the new medication."

I nod and blink a couple to times to release the left over tears from spilling out.

"Is his wounds healing better?"

"At medium rate. Lack of food and neutrients, blood loss, all caught up to his health, including his mental state. It is hard to bring back someone at this point.

But we're trying, Ms. Addams. We're not gonna give up. He could wake up even now, tomorrow, an hour later, or maybe years later. Or never."

"Don't." I seethe, my eyes reddening with determination. "Don't say that. He will wake up."

Ray nods and leaves with the nurses.

I sit on the stool again, looking at his face and smiling sadly. "You're okay."

I assure myself.

Kissing the back of his hand, I rest my head on the bed and slowly close my eyes, exhaustion taking over my whole body.

I don't know how long I slept or what the time is, but I wake up to the most beautiful sound that could ever exist.




I want to be evil about this story.
But I don't have the heart to do it.😂

Hope you like the story so far.🌸

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