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I pour cuppa in two mugs and add some marshmellos in Tyler's, he loves them. I smile at the thought of his possible enlightened face seeing this.

I know he's low right now. He'll probably be spaced out the whole night, I still want to help him ground back to reality. I know my Tyler's strong. He'll pull through whatever happened because he has me now. Hopefully he knows what he means to me.

The way he kissed me earlier made me a little bit worried and a tight knot is currently trying to form in my stomach, but I can't let it build up any tension. I want all of my focus on Tyler now.

I also need to prepare him for the news I'm about to throw, maybe tomorrow morning, with hot ginger tea and the beautiful sunny weather. I sigh heavily, I just hope he is okay and he takes the information well.

Tyler usually loves kids whenever we encounter one. But I'm still skeptical how he'd feel about having one himself, at the age of 21. We're capable though, we both work and have enough money to raise a kid, my family's always there for us. And the bonus point, Tyler's been clean for almost two years now. Way to go to success.

Maybe Donovan will even warm up to the idea of a grandchild. A picture of our future together pops in my head and I can't help the small smile from tugging at my lips.

But what's taking Tyler so long?

He should be done by now. The cuppas' getting cold. He hates when it gets cold and makes me prepare another one.

I wipe my hands and follow up the stairs to our bedroom. The bathroom door's opposite of ours. I grab the knob and turn it, it's open. I open it ajar and peek inside but there's no one. Maybe he's changing.


I walk in our room and it's empty as well. The knot returns and I have to swallow a bit. The door to the balcony seems open as night breeze blows in, making the curtains flutter while a soft glow of the moon peels inside. I take my steps towards the balcony, hoping to find the boy I'm searching for.

I do find him. But not in the way I hoped.

Everything around me becomes a slow motion movie when I let the scene unfold infront of me. My eyes wide in horror and unknown to my own ears, I scream. Louder than ever.

Rushing forward to my boyfriend, I quickly grab his hand, from which blood is oozing out like someone turned a faucet on.

Tyler's laying against the ledge, eyes half closed and arms all smashed from him probably knifing them. I notice the bloody small pocket knife on the side.

"What did you do? What did you do? Why? Why? Why? You fucking idiot!"

Tears stream down my cheeks relentlessly as I grab his hand as hard as possible to stop the blood flow all the while fishing for my phone and dialing 911.

I keep cracking and stuttering but they do manage to get my location then I let the phone fall so I can take a hold of both of his hands.

"Ty? Tyler, wake up. Come on, baby. Open your eyes for me. Please, Ty. Don't do this to me. Don't. You-you've been clean for so-so long. Why-why now? W-why? Please, love." I start sobbing and he remains unresponsive.

The medics soon arrive and pry an unconscious Tyler away from me. I hop in the ambulance with them, my whole being shaken from the incident and I can't keep my sobs down.

One of the medics sympathize me and rubs my back.

"He'll be hopefully okay, dear. Don't cry like that, you'll get sick."

But I can't help it. My whole world's crumbling down, how can I not cry?

He gets wheeled inside on a gurney while I stay in the waiting room, letting dry tears roll down my face.

"Ma'am, we will have to inform his family. Please fill up the informations." One of the nurses approach me.

I stare at her blankly then wipe at my eyes.

"I'm his only family."

"Okay. Please follow the process and sign here."

With shaking hands, I fill the forms and give them back before slumping back down.

I don't have the courage to call mom or dad. I don't know how will I be able to handle myself if I face them now. I'll porbably break into pieces.

Another wave of sobs invade my body and I pull my knees up to my chest, hugging them in a defensive manner.

We were supposed to have cuppa and enjoy the night. We were supposed to be by each other's side whenever the other needed. We were supposed realize how the other was feeling. But I couldn't. How could I not realize he may do something like this tonight?

I guess I refused to believe he'd relapse ever. Something must have happened at his father's to trigger him like this that he'd want to finish it all.

I will not let that man go after putting my Tyler through everything he did. I will surely show him his place.

My hands wrap around my stomach in a protective stance while I forcefully stop my tears.

"Dad's gonna be okay, hm? Don't worry." I rub over the small bump and smile.

Tyler will be okay. I know it.


A Pʀᴏᴍɪsᴇ Tᴏ Kᴇᴇᴘ || Wᴇᴅʟᴇʀ(WᴇᴅɴᴇsᴅᴀʏxTʏʟᴇʀ)Where stories live. Discover now