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"Hey. I'm here. Again."

There's this glassiness in her once so dark eyes, clouding her vision and it's getting hard to see through.

"Tiana's here too. Baby, say hi to papa."

"Hello, papa." Little Tiana waves, sucking on the popsicle in her other hand.

"Mama, why isn't papa saying hi?"

Her question so innocent and full of suspicion and sorrow, wanting to know the reason of why her papa isn't replying to her. Greeting her.

The young woman smiles sadly down at her daughter. A single tear making its way down her face as she sniffles and crouches down to the 5 year old's level.

"Papa is saying hi to you, baby. Close your eyes and listen from your heart." She places a hand on Tiana's heart while instructing.

Tiana follows her mother's advise and does so, frowning when she still doesn't hear a thing.

"Still can't, mama. Is papa mad?"

"No, baby. Papa loves you the most. You know that."

"Papa still leave me." Tiana pouts, hanging her head low.

She gets engulfed in a warm hug by her mother while the woman shushes her and kisses the side of her head.

"It's okay. Papa will never stop loving us, no matter where he is, okay?"

Tiana nods.

They part from the hug and get back on feet, the mother wiping her eyes and smiling at her beloved.

"I love you, Ty. We love you. Don't worry, we'll visit soon, I won't leave you alone for long. Take care, okay? I love you the most."

"I also love you the most, papa."

Tiana gets a smile in return from her mother and it makes her grin widely.

"Come on, give a kiss to papa and we will leave."

"But it's cold." Tiana whines.

"It will make him happier."

Tiana pouts but she will do anything to make her papa happy.

She tilts down and presses her round, small lips to the cold stone, quickly pulling away as it feels wet from last night's rain.

"Bye bye." She waves and grips her mama's hand.

"Mama, give papa a kiss." She copies and earns a chuckle from the young adult.

She leans down and kisses the top of the headstone then runs her finger across the top where it's consisting rain drops.

"Goodbye, untill next time, my love."

The mother and daughter leave the graveyard with smiles on their faces and tears in their eyes.

No matter what, Wednesday will never forget Tyler and they will always be together in the other's heart.



Dare accepted KatTart55 😉

The rest: calm down🌟

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