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Heyyy baes!:)

This is my first time writing and my first story on Wattpad so please cut me some slack.

If u have any tips or ideas feel free to let me know it will help so much!<3.

If there is gonna be any negativity  then you can respectfully leave😘 and if you don't enjoy the book then you don't have to read it. ( I'm not really trynna sound like a bitch btw)

Some of these chapters are maybe gonna be short just letting you know.

I'm also not good at wording things but I can imagine ideas so please bear with me.

And hear me out this book may be boring at first but i will try and definitely add lots of drama and other ideas that pop into my mind.

Btw this is not copy-written!! And
All rights served🕴️

In this story, there are gonna be different languages like Spanish, Russian, and Italian in this book, so I'm using Google Translate.

Also, I'm well aware that this isn't going to be the best story but i will try my best!

Warning ⚠️:
•strong language
• some violence or maybe a lot🤷‍♂️
•mafia men🙇‍♀️
•overprotective brothers
•terrible writing skills😯
And maybe some plot twist👽

Also all pictures are from Pinterest😍

Well, I hope u enjoy the book and have a good time reading it!😎

Vote and comment! ( if u want too) byee baes😘

Vote and comment! ( if u want too) byee baes😘

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