chapter 27

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Omfg this is unbelievable that I just hit 4k reads😯

Camila's POV:

"You're a idiot."

Carlos slaps Emiliano behind his head and runs towards the hotel entrance and Emiliano glares at his twin.

"What was that for?!" Emiliano exclaims

"For calling me a idiot" Carlos shouts and walks inside the hotel.

"Whatever." Emiliano mumbles

I chuckle "Just ignore him Emiliano." I tell him and he nods

As we all walk towards the hotel and entered. Walking towards the elevator, I pressed the button to call the elevator down.

I turn and saw my brothers just talking about random shit but Emiliano was quiet. Hm. I looked at him from next to me and saw him looking at this dude that looked Emiliano's age.

The dude has dark brunette hair with dark brown eyes and he seemed to look taller than Emiliano.

But It's just Emiliano looking at people Camila don't think anything of it.

Emiliano stares at the dude for a while that's right at the front office. The dude looks back and stares back at him for a moment and gives him a little smile, which show his little dimples.


Emiliano turns red and looks down, trying to hide his smile. I feel someone's gaze on me so I turn around and see Carlos staring at me. He looks back at Emiliano then back to me.

So he noticed too

The elevator opened and we all walked in. I caught a glimpse of Emiliano waving bye to the dude and the dude waved back as he walked towards the elevator.

Wait a damn minute


The doors closed and the guy was no where to be seen. Emiliano sighed, his lips still tilted up a bit and went on his phone.

Is Emiliano into that dude?

Oh my gosh

Imagine if like we see that dude again

Well of course because we are staying at the same hotel but like what if we see him somewhere else?

My thoughts soon disappeared as I heard the elevator 'ding' and the doors opened. We all walked out and Emiliano looked at me.

"You okay?" He says and I nod

We all walked towards our rooms and said bye before entering our rooms.

I sighed "finally."

I took off my shoes and jump on my bed. I laid there for a moment but soon got up.

I walked towards the bathroom and walked in. I turned the shower on and quickly undressed before going into the shower.

I'm gonna be honest I want some food right now.

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