chapter 11

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I'm married to 2 guys😍 and they are fictional characters but it's ok cause they are real in my heart and brain💋

Camila's POV:

Right now we are pulling into the driveway of the house. The car stops and Carlos puts the car in park. We all get out of the car and walk inside the house. When we all walk in we see Marco and Diego standing near the stairs glaring at us.

Oh shitt we're dead

We all just stand there some of us in shock and fear.


Oh shit did they find out about what we did?

My eyes met Marco's eyes and we just stare at each other. He held eye contact and Marco then spoke "So would you like to tell me where have you been?" he asked in a dark tone

I almost shit my pants


"We just went to Target and the mall," he says casually. Smartttt

"Don't lie to me Carlos" Marco said gritting his teeth in anger. Oh shit.

I'm craving McDonald's

Bitch stfu you see were in a serious situation

I know dipshit I'm just trying to calm down by thinking I guess...

Dumb bitch

"Camila tell me where have you guys been?l Marco says turning his attention to me.

Diego just stands there doing nothing. What was the point of being here if you're just gonna stand there and do nothing?

"And tell us the truth" Diego added.

"Like Carlos said we went to Target and went to the mall you want receipts or something?" I say.

"Don't fucking lie to me Camila " Marco said angrily. Ahh, I'm so scared!  Im not fucking scared of you the fuck. What do you want me to do scream in fear?

"I'm not fucking lying," I said angrily while glaring at him.

"So then why did I get a call from the police saying that they had seen Emiliano, Matias, and Carlos?" Marco says.

"I don't know you should have asked them yourself," I said. Wait a damn minute

"So why am I getting in trouble?!" I exclaimed.

"Oh because I know you were in on this plus the cops described a girl with them and how she looks" Oh shit those bitches-

"Those bitches" I muttered to myself.

"You guys thought you can get away with this?" Diego asked

"Yea," my three brothers and I say in unison. I mean I thought we could but I guess I was wrong. Whatever lmao

"Ok are we done here because I wanna fucking sleep I'm tired as hell," Carlos said

"No, but I was going to say that you guys are grounded for 4 weeks no phones and games,"  Marco says smirking.


"WHAT?!" we all shouted


I'm not trying to be dramatic or anything but my phone helps me get through the day most of the time and to order food. 

Food is life

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