chapter 12

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So I ate a bug and it taste good😍🤭.


Camila's POV:

After a long ass drive, we eventually made it home. The car stops and we all open the car door. We get out of the car and closed the door.

We went towards the house door and went inside. Suddenly, I felt a weird feeling in my stomach, like a bad feeling.

I'm trusting my gut because last time I didn't I got kidnapped.


When we walked in I heard voices coming from the living room. It sounds like Marco and Diego.

I and my brothers strolled into the living room and saw that Marco and Diego were talking.

They both stopped talking and turned to us. Marco then put down his phone and opened his arms.

I need one of Marcos's hugs right now. I put my book bag down on the ground and walked fast towards Marco. I went ahead and hugged him.

He hugs back and whispers to me "You ok?"

"Yea I'm good but don't think I'm still not kind of mad at you" I whisper back and let go.

Marco lets go as well and smirks. He needs to stop smirking. He asked us how were school and I groaned.

"It was ok I guess," the twins say

"It was boring as fuck the only thing I liked was the lunch food but it was kinda plain so I don't know," I said letting myself fall onto the couch and stare at the ceiling.

The big chandeliers shined and gleamed all around the room and lit the room up. It was honestly beautiful.

Anyway, while everyone is talking I'm just admiring the ceiling. I sit up and lay my head back. I feel someone's arms wrap around my neck from behind me.

I look back and see it was Matias.

I jumped on the couch and jumped on him and gave him a huge hug. He hugs back and chuckles. "Hey, princess how was school?"

"It sucked the only thing I kind of liked about it was the school lunch," I said still hugging him.

He laughs and goes to sit on the couch with me in his arms. He sits down and fixes me on his lap. He wraps his arms around my waist and buries his head in the crook of my neck.

All my brothers were talking about school, work, and other stuff while I'm thinking about food.

McDonald's and Chick fi la are on top.

But I'm craving chips and a hot dog.

While being in Matias's arms I start to feel my getting sleepy. My eyes are trying to stay open like I'm about to get food and I need to wait.

I'm so fucking impatient but at the same time, I'm patient.

I need friends

Nah I don't well maybe I do but whatever

I hear matias voice and he whispers to me "Go to sleep princess I got you"

I nod and close my eyes. In a quick second, I was already asleep in his arms.


All of a sudden, I hear gunshots and I wake up.

"WHAT THE FUCK" I yelled

"OH SHIT" Emiliano shouted and pulls out a gun. HUHH

"DAMN THAT GUN LOOKS NICEE," I said pointing to Emiliano's gun.

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