chapter 8

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Why does crying feel amazing? Like I honestly hate but like love crying is that weird?💀🫄

This is random asf but I'm sorry that my writing is terrible and this book and rushed. 🧌🐀

Camila's POV:

What is wrong with me?

Let me tell you what happened...

So I'm walking outside coming back from the store right? And this kid came up to me and said I'm ugly?!

(Based on a true story😭)

After he said that he just ran before I could say anything. What did I do to these kids?!! LMAO.
But that was the most random thing I have ever seen.

Wait nvm that was one of the most random things I have seen.

Girl you know that kid wasn't lying tho.

He was lying I'm fucking hot.


Are you sure about that?

Yessss why wouldn't I be sure?

Nah jk girl you are so hot

I know thanks bae

Nah I take it back

Bitch go die

Your talking to your self dumbass


Ok, let me stop because I'm making myself seem like I'm crazy but I'm not.

I propped myself on the headboard and picked up my phone. I tapped on the screen and the screen lit up. 4:34 pm. How the fuck- it was just 1:23

Anyway I'm bored

"BUDUSSYYYY" I yelled out randomly.

Ooo I'm craving ice cream and chocolate. I feel like jumping off a bed high in the sky.

Let's go eat!

I jump out of bed and started to run quickly down the stairs. Bad idea. I missed a step and I began to roll down the stairs.

"AHHHH" I scream


Bitch how the hell did your dumbass miss a step.

Honestly, I don't fucking know

I heard many doors open and I'm guessing all of my siblings came running down the stairs

"WHO'S DYING" I heard Emiliano shout from upstairs.

"No one is dying but that sounds like Camila ," Carlos said, a hint of worry in his voice.

They made it downstairs and saw me on the floor. Diego bent down to me and so did Matias and Emiliano asking me what happened and if I was ok. Carlos just stood there. I appreciate the ones who care if I'm ok and I don't give a fuck who doesn't care if ok or not.

Marco comes down in haste and pushed all of my brothers out of the way. He moves toward me and puts his hands on my back and under my legs and lifts me in bridal style.

"You ok mi amor?" Marco asked worriedly. He walks to the living room and my ankle fucking hurts but I hope I didn't sprain it.

You're probably did hoe

Bitch I ain't no hoe

Ohh yeah

"Yea I'm ok just my ankle hurts a little bit," I say

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