chapter 34

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I can't believe I'm now on chapter 34 this is crazy.


Camila's POV:

*few days later*

I'm sick and tired of children.

I'm being so serious.

I tried helping a kid with picking a toy in a store because he couldn't reach it. This kid kept getting mad and telling me that I was grabbing the wrong toy.

I was clearly grabbing the toy he was pointing at.

But the little boy got so frustrated it started crying.

I could hear his parents walking to where me and the kid were and I immediately just grabbed a random toy, gave it to him and ran away.

But now I'm at home and I'm waiting for Silas to come to my house.

I miss my wifey

As I read a book on my bed, laying on my stomach and my clear glasses resting on the bridge of my nose, someone knocks on my door.

"Come in." I say and the person who walks in is my oldest but younger brother Carlos.

"Hey." He says and I look up and wave to him, giving him a small smile. He has one of his hands behind his back and he looks at me.

"I got you some McDonald's on the way back home." He says and pulls out a McDonald's bag from behind his back.

Best brother ever honestly

"YOU GOT OUR LITTLE SISTER FOOD BUT WHERE'S MY FOOD AT?!" I hear Emiliano shout from downstairs. Oh I forgot Carlos
left my door wide open.

Carlos turns his head towards outside of my room. "GET YOUR OWN FUCKING FOOD EMILIANO." Carlos yells and turns his head back to me

"Sorry about that." He says and I laugh.

"Y'all are idiots." I say laughing

"I will gladly take this food and eat it myself Camila." Carlos says and i immediately put the book down and get up. I grab the food from him and sit back on my bed.

"Piece of shit." I mumble and he chuckles.

"Your welcome." Carlos says and I thank him.

He leaves the room and I quickly eat my food.

I wonder how I can eat so much and still look good.



I forgot to mention we are having a game night

My brother Marco opens the door and Silas and her family walk in.

Oh shit I'm thinking it's just silas coming

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