chapter 15

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Camila's POV:

After leaving school, We finally made it home. Carlos parked the car and we walked into the house.

I heard the door close behind me and someone shouts from the living room.


We started to make our way there. When we walked in Matias, Diego, and Marco were sitting on the couch.

"Marco has an announcement to make I don't fucking know," Matias says.

"Princess I need one of your hugs, please?." He says looking at me with open arms.

I took the book bag off my shoulders and placed it on the floor gently. I walked to Matias and hugged him. I fix my body to sit on his lap while hugging him so my legs won't get tired.

"Carlos and Emiliano can you please sit," Marco asked sternly with no emotion. He looks like a robot.

I feel like texting Silas I'm bored.


"Can't we just stand my legs are about to fucking go to sleep by how much sitting down I had to do today," Carlos said.

"Just sit the fuck down," I said and Carlos glared at me but went and sat down on the couch.

I want fruit snacks!

No bitch


Love what?


Why did I even think about what you love, of course you love food. You think about that every fucking day.

At least you are aware of what I like


Talking to myself in my head, Marco's voice snapped me out of my thoughts or I would say talking to myself internally.

"I wanted to let you guys know that we have been invited to have dinner with the Bianchi's," Marco said.

"YESS" Emiliano jumps up excitedly.

"Sit your ass down," Carlos said, and Emiliano did sit back down.

"When is the dinner?" Carlos asks with almost a little bit of excitement in his tone.

"Today" WHATT

"Whatever," I said and sank deeper into Matias's embrace.


"Hold up who the fuck are the Bianchi's?" I say confused. No but seriously who are they?

"I'm business partners with one of them and we've known each other for a long time," Marco said.

"Oh ok whatever," I said getting up from Matias's lap, trying to get out of his grip. He whines a little but reluctantly let's go.

"Ima go get ready see ya," I said and ran off to my room. I heard Marco shout warning me to not run but I just laugh loudly and ignored his warning.

I finally made it to my room and walked into my bathroom. I went into my walk-in closet. I picked out an outfit that I bought from vintage dreams. I got some other things I need like underwear and other things.


Omg, that store is all that I recommend going there. The clothes in the store are so... omg amazing and I would say many nice words but I'm too lazy but you get what I'm trying to say.

I also picked out some jewelry and grab a pair of black heels that I'm going to wear. I'm gonna try to look like a businesswoman. Just kidding... maybe not. I went and took a nice hot shower. I have never taken a cold shower in my life. Should I?.. Nah

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