chapter 24

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Camila's POV:

I feel someone nudge me causing me to wake up. I look at silas tiredly and she nods her head towards my door.


Oh shit

My eyes widen and I quickly jolt up from my bed and start grabbing my clothes.

Silas does the same and quickly rushes into the bathroom. After like a minute or so she comes out of the bathroom, grabs my face and starts to wipe my mouth.

"Thank you." I whisper

The sudden knocking on the door gets louder and I roll my eyes. "I'm coming I'm coming."

I go towards the door and open it to see some of Silas's brothers.

I stare at Silas's brother Dante as he gives us a suspicious look. "Why did it take so long."

I glance at Silas before replying "Oh we fell asleep after talking for a bit, sorry."

"Ohh that's why you guys look all tore up." Rocco says.


I look at Silas as she stares at her brothers blankly as they continue to stand there. "Why exactly did you guys wake us up." Silas questions.

"Oh it's time to go to the house." Giovanni says  and Silas nods.

Me and Silas watch as her brothers walk away and go into another room.

"That was so fucking intense." I say

Silas shrugs and walks over to the bed, grabbing her shoes and sliding them on. I watch Silas as she gets all of the things she needs.

Silas stops what she was doing and looks at me.

"This isn't going to affect our friendship right?" I ask, nervousness in my tone.

Silas shakes her head. "No."

I feel relieved as I let my shoulders drop and let out a sigh of relief. "Good because I thought things were gonna be awkward after."

Silas shrugs "I don't find anything awkward, Camila."

I smile "that's great wifey because I would really hate for us to fucking be awkward after all of our progress." I say and Silas nods her head in agreement and stands up from the bed.

We both walk towards the door and Silas turns around and looks down at me.

Damn why the hell is she so fucking tall

But that makes her hot also

"If you start to feel uncomfortable around me let me know, yes?" She says.

I roll my eyes "I wouldn't ever be uncomfortable around you bitch." I shrug "I liked it."

"I think I am aware of that." She mutters

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