chapter 17

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So I just found out I'm allergic to mice, dogs, cats, and dust mites🤷‍♀️



Camila's POV:

The next day...

So I'm apparently grounded for making a mess and Diego is in trouble too.

But Diego didn't get grounded. He should have.  But wait I think he did.

I don't know but whatever

I've been up since 3 am and it is now 5:45. Wait.. 5:45!!

Oh shit I forgot I have school today

I hop out of my bed and went to take a shower. I quickly took a shower and oh my goodness I need that shower.

After taking a shower, I got out and did my skin care before picking my outfit for school today. I picked it out and got dressed.


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I put my shoes on and some jewelry. I spray some perfume and put deodorant and walk out of the bathroom.

Today feels oddly.... Quiet

"BABY GOT BACK" I heard music coming from Emiliano's room and I'm guessing he is taking a shower.

Emiliano is a vibe

I grab my book bag from the floor and grab my phone. I walk out of my room, close the door, and walk downstairs.

I go into the kitchen and see Matias, Marco and Diego there but Diego is cooking.

"Hey princess"

"Hi mi amor"

"Hey amorina"

Damn so many nicknames

"Hey!" I greeted

Marco looked at me and opened his arms. He looks exhausted but a little bit alive. I go forward and give him a huge warm hug.

While my brothers are just talking while I'm hugging Marco, I hear soft snores coming from Marco. I smile but then notice that my brothers are looking at us.

I signaled them to shush and shook Marco softly. He woke up and picked up his head but just groaned.

"Sorry mi amor I didn't get much sleep" he said  and i just keep hugging him. His hugs are amazing as-well.

"Your good come on let's go" I said and tried to make him come with me somewhere but he didn't budge one bit.


"It's ok my amor im good" he said but said it a little to quickly. He needs sleep and I'm about to turn into a mom hold up.

"Come on"

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