chapter 6

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Camila's POV:

I woke up from an ear-piercing scream and it almost sounded like Emiliano .

I got up and went to see what happened but what I saw caused me to laugh. Carlos was on top of Emiliano and holding him to the ground while Emiliano  was trying to find a way to escape Carlos 's grasp.

They both looked at me and I stopped laughing for a moment. I look at Carlos to see him smirking at me and Emiliano looking at me begging for help.

"Ima gonna just... go sorry Emiliano bye Carlos !" I said quickly running out of the room.

"CAMILA HELPP" I heard Emiliano yell from downstairs. "Shut the fuck up idiot Marco  is working" You already know who said that.

I fix my bed and went to the bathroom. I go to my closet really quickly to grab an outfit. I come back and placed it on the counter. I grabbed all the shower products that I found in a suitcase. (They were the products I had from home). I went and took a shower and oh my gosh best shower of my life. I got out of the shower and got dressed. I did whatever I had to do in the bathroom and left.

(^^^ This is the outfit but if you don't like it you can imagine her were something else<3)

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(^^^ This is the outfit but if you don't like it you can imagine her were something else<3)

While putting on my shoes, someone knocks on my door. I tell them to come in and saw that it was Emiliano. He survived surprisingly.

"Hey come down and eat breakfast Diego made chocolate chip pancakes," he said excitedly literally jumping from where he is standing.

"Ouuu I'm coming now give me a second," I said

"Alright!" He says and closes the door.

I grab my phone and open the door. I saw Emiliano sitting on the floor but his back to the wall. He looks at me and smiles.

"Let's go!" He says jumping up and running downstairs. I chuckled and went downstairs. I hear the noise of something sizzling and walked fast. When I arrived at the kitchen I see Diego flipping pancakes and preparing plates.

"Good morning how'd you sleep?" He said flipping another pancake.

"good" I say sitting on one of the counter stools.

"Good, your brothers should be down in a few minutes."

"Ok," I hear elephants come downstairs and burst into the kitchen. I look at the door to see Carlos, Emiliano,and Matias( finally figure out what his name was) standing at the door and started to walk into the kitchen.

"Hey guys," I said waving at them

"Hey," said Matias

"Hii!" you know who that was

"Whatever" rude fucker

They all take a seat on the stools and watched closely as Diego flip the pancakes and put them on a plate.

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