chapter 38

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Camila's POV:

I go towards a medium sized window and inside is where a cute dog is munching on some dog food as it lays down on the dog bed.

I bend down and look at the dog for a moment. So fucking adorable man. The dog looks at me and tilts its head a bit but immediately gets up in excitement.

The dog tries to scratch its way through the window almost as if trying to get out and I chuckle.

"You are adorable." I say softly. I smile a bit, earning a bark from the dog in response.

I grin. "You're coming home with me." I say and grab my phone from my pocket.

I go to Marco's contact and press on call.

After the first ring, Marco answers.

"Hey mi amor you okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay but quick question do you love me?"

"Of course I do mi amor"

"So can I please get a dog?"

"I don't know mi amor"

"Please—" suddenly I look at my screen and see Matias calling me.

"Hold up Marco, Matias is calling me." I answer matias's call.

"Hey princess, where are you?"

"I'm where the dogs are at" I say and he says okay and hangs up.

Soon enough, I see Matias walking towards me and he grins. "Hey princesa"

"Hey" I say and suddenly I think of an idea.

"Matias would you be the best big brother and please get me this cute dog" I say and he looks at the dog.

"I promise i will share some food with you" I say and his eyes widen a bit in surprise.

"You never share your food." He says, looking at me as if I'm crazy or something and I nod.

"Yup." I say.

"And the dog is pretty adorable."

"Can we get the dog? Please?"

"Fuck it let's get the dog" he says and I jump up and hug him.


He hugs me back and after a few seconds, I pull away. I bend down and stare at the dog that is wagging its tail happily.

A woman walks towards us with a smile on her face. "Hey! Do you guys need help with anything." She says.

"Yeah actually we would like to buy this puppy" I say and the lady nods happily with a smile.

"That's great! Follow me real quick."


"She's so cute!" I gently place the dog onto the floor.

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