Imagines - How you meet them

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Rick Grimes:
You guys met in season two after they got stranded because of the broken RV and Sophia going missing.
I jumped up and almost fell of the tree I was sleeping on. What the fuck was that. I jumped down from the tree, should I leave my stuff? Nah, maybe someone attacked the person who screamed, need all the protection I can get. It sounded like a little girl.. hopefully it was just someone with a high-pitched voice.
I carefully stalked around trees while trying to be as quiet as I could, which was pretty hard considering I was in the woods.
'Shit, why did I come out here, there could be those infected anywhere..and it's pretty fucking hard to be quiet out here.' I looked down and saw footprints.
"Oh shit. Those are a little kids footprints.. fuck. This is even worse even if I find the kid there's a chance they'll scream and lead the infected towards me," I whispered to no one but myself, I stood still a little while contemplating if I should go attempt to save that kid. I sighed. "Fuck it I can't leave a kid all alone."
I followed the footprints until they disappeared. Fucking hell man, where could have this kid gone?
"..yea, these are the footprints but they just stop over there." I heard an unknown voice say from a few feet away.
fuck fuck FUCK this is bad now. I saw a pretty big bush with a tree near it, I ducked behind the bush and tried to calm my breathing. Shit their gonna see my footprints.
"Daryl," "What is it?" "There's a fresh set of footprints following Sophia's." "You sure brand new?" "Yea, it goes over there.." I drowned out the rest of their conversation, fuck their gonna find me. I pulled my knife out of my bag slowly and tried to regulate my breathing. I closed my eyes tightly. Calm down, fuck calm down, Name.
"Ughh" I could barely open my eyes and my head hurt like shit. Once the blurriness went away I looked around and saw a few people looking at me. I focused and saw five people in front of me there were a fewother people but they just looked from afar. I could see one of them rummaging through my stuff.
"hu wheree the fuck am I huh? And get outta my bag!" I said my voice slurring a bit that the start. The sheriff came up to me and I looked up to him, he was quite attractive but I wouldn't say that aloud. He squatted in front of me.
"We'll be asking the questions here." He said in a serious voice. "Oh you're asking the questions here?! I was knocked out for no reason, handcuffed and you expect me to answer your question?? Yea fucking right." I argued to him. "If you don't cooperate we'll have no choice but to either leave you to get killed by walkers or we'll do it ourselves. Understand?" He said authoritatively. I glared at him but nodded.

Carl Grimes:
You two met during season two at Hershel's farm when Carl was shot
I whipped my head around at the sound of the gunshot, I had been sewing a shirt for Maggie as she had requested one. I ran to my uncle Hershel who was already on the porch.
"Uncle Hershel didn't Otis go hunting? Do you think he's okay? Maybe he found a dee-!" I was cut off as I saw three people in the distance carrying a younger boy, I squinted to get a better look and saw one of them was Otis. I then focused on the one getting carried as I looked I could see he was bleeding from his stomach. I looked at my uncle with fear.
"Name. Get the medical supplies." Hershel said seriously, I nodded and ran to get the medical stuff. I cam back about two minutes later and they already had the boy laid down. I gave uncle the medical stuff and left the room I couldn't bear to watch real surgeries happen. I had a bit of medical knowledge more that average but I just couldn't watch stuff like that. Later, Maggie was sent to get the boys mother and inform her of what happened. I was biting my nails as I couldn't help but feel nervous for the boy. I decided to make some tea and serve them a plate of food as they had just been sitting there with the unconscious boy.
"Uhm.. I brought some food and tea if you would like some, I also have some water.." I said to them in a meek voice as I handed them the food. "Thanks." The boys father said I just nodded at him the other didn't say a thing.
"Uh.. I have been tasked with cooking and feeding your boy when he wakes up, I will take care for him as best as possible, please do trust me. I will stay by his side and while I am cooking Hershel will tend to him.. you can rest somewhere more comfortable if you'd like.." I told them in a little voice. "Thank you little girl, I have a request could you inform me when he wakes up?" He asked tiredly. "Of course, I'll inform you the minute he wakes up." He smiled gently at this.
It had been a while and the boy had still not waken up, he had a seizure though while I was cooking. I thought he had died but he lived.
"Ngh.. ughh.." I could hear him groaning. I looked back with my eyes widened. He was squinting to focus his eyes, he attempted to sit up but I laid him back down slowly.
"You shouldn't get up right now, you will hurt your wound even more." I said softly, he just laid back down looked around the room. "Give me a second." I told the boy.
"UNCLE HERSHEL!! The boy has woken up!!" I yelled across the house. I could hear the sounds of feet running to the room, I stepped aside as they piled into the room. The mother and father were crying and so was the boy most likely relieved to see his parents. I stepped out of the room until they left, I wanted them to have their family time. Hershel called me back in and told me Beth would make something for the boy and I was to feed him. I abided and fed him once the food was ready. Once the boy could sit up and wasn't out of it he stared to ask questions.
"What happened to me?"
"How long have I been out?"
"Is everyone okay?"
It was questions anytime I saw him, I had gotten annoyed by this point but I just smiled and answered each one.
"Hey, what's your name?" The boy asked. Ah I hadn't even told him my name yet. "I apologize, I haven't even offered my name once, my name is Name, Name Greene." He smiled, "Well my name is Carl Grimes!" He said as he pointed at himself proudly. I giggled at this, I smiled at him, "Well nice to meet you, Carl Grimes." "Same to you Name!"

Glenn Rhee:
You met him during season 1 when they were stuck in the city, he had been running from walkers and you saved him.
I looked outside the building I was in, I had been keeping watch since some group arrived most likely scavenging for supplies. My eyes widened as I saw the Asian or Korean one running from 10 or more infected. I let out an airy laugh at their stupidity. He was obviously panicking because he was going to run into a dead end soon. I sighed as I got up to go get him. I quickly grabbed a hunting knife and silenced pistol I had found at an overrun police station. I to the fire exit and into the alley. I peeked out and saw him running towards the alley, he was running way to fast and this city has trash all over the place he was bound to trip soon.
"agh.." and there he goes. I sighed and ran up to him, he got the wind knocked outta him he would just be making me slower.
"Ughh. Now I gotta pick your slow ass up." I picked him up and threw him over my shoulder, he was surprisingly light, running as fast as I could I made it to the alley way before any of the infected. I stared climbing the ladder to get to the roof. I was sweating not even because he was heavy this was just a lot of cardio and I don't have the best stamina. I looked over my shoulder and saw the infected turning into the alleyway.
"Shit.. c'mon hurry the fuck up Name." I whispered to myself. I went as fast as I could while carrying him. I was wheezing by the time we made it up the ladder, holy hell that was as close as fuck.
"Tha- thanks." The Asian or Korean man said. "Don't worry bout it, I just wanna help anyone I can. What's ya name?" I questioned him. He looked back at me with a grateful smile "My names Glenn, Glenn Rhee. Again thank you, name." I blushed slightly he was quite cute. "How did you know my name?" I asked, he just looked at me puzzled "I thought you were telling me your name earlier? You whispered something about hurrying up and said your name while on the ladder." I chuckled softly "We'll nice to meet ya Glenn." "Nice to meet you to, Name."

Words: 1628
Not including the A/N
Hope you liked this chapter!! I will be making a part two! But bye!<3

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