Oneshot - Carl

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(You and Carl do not have a romantic relationship in this oneshot. You have a parent and child relationship. Takes place in the farm.)
Carl had been complaining about it being boring and he had nothing to do. It's true other than gun training and talking to the animals and people there was nothing for him to do, with Sophia gone he didnt even have anyone his age to play or talk with.
I walked up to Carl. "Hey, Carl. Im thinking of going on a run to the shop's soon, anything you want?" I asked him. He looked up excitedly. "Really, you'll get me something?!" He said enthusiastically, I nodded. "Well, if you see any snacks or candy can you get me some? Please!" Carl said. "Of course!" I said ruffling his hair. He nodded, hugged me and ran off.
I walked up to Rick and tapped his shoulder, he turned around and asked me if i needed something. "Oh no! Im just asking you if I can go on a run to the shops, real quick, in n' out!" I said trying not to sound annoying. "All alone?" He questioned, I looked down. "Yea.. but it'll be quick! I'll be quiet and take my machete and pistol! Please Rick!" I pleaded with him. "Fine, but if walkers start to come for you just run back." "I will! Don't worry bout me! Thanks Rick!" I said while running to my tent. I grabbed my machete and pistol, I took two empty backpacks and waved to Rick.
Once i got to the town I went into the alleys and killed any walkers in my way. I finally got to the candy store, surprisingly no walkers were in there, and most of the food was still there. I stuffed one of the backpacks with all the non-expired candies. I looked over to the store across from the candy store. There was a book shop so maybe there was coloring books or comic books. I snuck over to the doors and opened them quietly and closed them behind me. There was two walkers in there which I killed with ease. I went over to the children's section and searched for any coloring books, I was able to find a few coloring books and lucked out on some crayons and colored pencils. I went over to the comic book section and found a few about superheroes, aliens, and monsters maybe Carl would like these comics. If not I would read them. I went out through the emergency into the alley killing a lot more walkers than I did in the other alley. Once I got out the town I made my way back to the farm.
I finally got back after what felt like forever. I told Rick I made it back fine and found some candies and books for Carl. He thanked me and patted my back. Apparently Shane had taken him for some gun training with Ricks permission, they said he should be back soon. I went into my tent with the backpacks and took a short nap until Carl  was back.
I woke up to Carl running into my tent and asking me if I had found any candies. I nodded and grabbed the backpacks. I turned over the backpack and all the candies spilled out. He looked amazed and went to grab a handful, I grabbed his hand and pushed it back.
"Nope! First you have to ask your mom and dad if you can eat it!" I told him while shaking my head. "But Name! Please just two pieces! Please!" He begged, doing puppy eyes in the process. I grumbled and told him not to tell his parents and allowed him to take two pieces of candy. He ran up and hugged me. "Thanks Name! Your the best!" He exclaimed loudly, I hugged him back and patted his back. "I know I'm the best ever huh?! I also got you something else!" I said proudly, he looked up shocked. "What else did you get me!?" He said in a happy but surprised tone. I grabbed the other backpack and handed it to him. "I grabbed some comic books, coloring books, and colored pencils! Isn't that awesome? Now you won't be as bored! All cause of me! For my favorite kid." I boasted to him. "Thanks a lot, Name! I'm going to show my mom and dad what I got!" He said while putting the candy in the backpack again and running off. I smiled and just waved.
About an hour later Rick came up to me he thanked me for getting Carl all that stuff when I wasn't expected to, I just brushed him off and said it was no big deal and I'd do anything for the kids to be happy. I later saw Carl eating some m&m's while coloring a superhero book. Just seeing the kids happy made it worth the trouble of killing any walkers.

Words: 832
Idk why but I feel like Carl would be immature when it came to childish things, like candy he would love and coloring to. Since he lost most of his childhood I think he would be a child at heart but acted like an adult because of the apocalypse.

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