Bad habits of yours.

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Rick Grimes:
One of your bad habits is biting your nails very short as a coping method when your nervous or anxious. You've been doing it for so long you can't break the habit. In this imagine you have a sibling! (Takes place in the prison)
I had been getting nervous since Sibling went out on a run. They had been gone for quite a while. As I stood watch at the gate with Rick I started to bite my nails, it had been a bad habit since I was young, whenever I got nervous or anxious I would bite my nails instinctively. I felt someone pull my hand away from my mouth, it was Rick.
"You need to stop biting your nails, you could get sick from that y'know?" Rick told me. I looked at him sheepishly. "Yea I know can get sick it just a bad habit I have, I just do it unconsciously." I answered. "It's pretty hard to stop as I've been doing it since I was a child, didn't eat good to so sometimes I would eat my nails, pretty nasty now that I think about it, now I just spit them out." I said to him. He just looked at me trying to figure something out. "Have you ever not bitten your nails when you were anxious or scared?" He questioned, I thought about. "Yea actually.. one time I hurt my fingers bad from biting them and had bandages on them didn't bite them till I took the bandages off, another time I put on nail polish and I didn't bite them because of the taste." I laughed gently remembering the time I tasted the nail polish. "Well why don't ya paint your nails? It wouldn't hurt, plus it wouldn't be an inconvenience like the bandages." Rick suggested, I looked up. "Yea maybe I'll do that, thanks Rick!" I said as I smiled at him. He blushed slightly "Your welcome.." he said while looking away.

Carl Grimes:
One of your bad habits is your cursing, you just yell out curses in every sentence. (Takes place in Alexandria)
"Aghh.. FUCK! That hurts like a bitch" I yelled out after stubbing my toe on some stairs.
"You need to work on how much you curse, you curse like a sailor." Carl teased me. "Well maybe that's what I'm meant to be out on the seas sailing and cussing all I want!" I said proudly. Carl eyes lit up as if an idea came to his mind. "You know what I that you can't of the rest of the day without cursing!" He challenged me, I grinned like a madman. "Oh yeah, how much you wanna bet, pretty boy?" I challenged him back, he just smiled. "I bet half my comic book collection that you can't go the rest of the day without cursing!" "I bet half of my stash of sweets that I can go the rest of the day without saying on curse!" We both bet special stuff, believing we would win. "Starting now!" Carl said. I nodded.
2 hours later
Carl has been following me the whole time, I was acting confident but I had already almost slipped up. Multiple times. Carl was starting to get less confident as I probably would have said more that 50 curses by now.
"You losing confidence, Carly?" I taunted him, he looked at me with determination in his eyes. "No. I know I won't lose!" He said while pointing to himself. "Yea right, ima win this!" I responded. I felt a hand grab my shoulder and pull me back. One thing about me is I scare easily if I'm off guard, which is a curse itself.
"AHHH!! ITS A FUCKING WALKER!!" I said as I threw a punch, the person narrowly dodged it but stumbled back. "It's just me! It's Rick!" Rick said confused. "And watch your language." He said authoritatively. "Yea- yes sir!" I said saluting nervously. "Just wanted to say lunch is ready, so go to Carols house and pick it up." Rick said walking away.
"You lost! You cussed right now!!" Carl said excitedly. "Shut up! It was an accident! I was startled!" I said embarrassed. Carl just pumped his fist in the air. "I'm the winner!!" I scoffed playfully. "Whatever let's just get our lunch and then you can have my sweets." "Race ya there!" "Ohh, your on!!"

Glenn Rhee:
Your bad habit is smoking to take out any negative feelings. (Takes place in Alexandria)
I closed the door as quietly as possible to not wake up Glenn. Once the door closed with no noise I went to the porch and lit up a cigarette. I had been having a few bad days, just everything was going wrong, and I didn't want to lash out on Glenn for something that wasn't his fault.
"Name? Are you smoking again? I thought I told you to stop that." Glenn said with a yawn as he came out of the house. "Did I wake you? Sorry, just been having a few bad days.." I responded, he just hugged me from behind and took my cigarette out of my hand and stomped it out. He buried his face into my neck. "You need to stop that.. you can talk to me about it, you know that right?" He said muffled while kissing my collarbone. "Yea I know that, just didn't wanna get mad at you for no reason." I said ruffling his hair. He just picked me up and took me inside to our bedroom. "I'm tired, just go to sleep baby.. don't get up anymore.." Glenn said while laying me down and cuddling with me. "I won't do it anymore, baby." I tiredly said to Glenn, he just gave me quick pecks and fell asleep. "Love ya Glenn.." I whispered to an already sleeping Glenn.

Maggie Greene:
Your bad habit is not eating correctly. (This takes place during season 2)
Patricia and Beth had just finished dinner, they offered everyone a plate that they gladly accepted, except for me. I didn't accept it as I have this bad habit of eating lots on day and barely anything the next few. I had eaten a lot yesterday, and whenever I thought about eating any food, it sounded disgusting. This had been a habit since i was around my teens.
"You ain't gonna eat something, Name?" Maggie, my girlfriend, asked me. I looked up at her and responded, "Nah, I'm not hungry right now." Trying to convince her to leave. "You eaten anything today?" She questioned. "Yea i ate lunch earlier, and i want to save food for the kids." I lied to her face. "Your lying," She stated, I looked up at her in shock. "I asked whoever served breakfast and lunch today, they said you declined as you weren't hungry, that true?" She interrogated me. I looked down guiltily. "Yea.. i just have this habit of eating a lot one day and not eating correctly for the next few. It rarely happens though! And i still have all my strength!" I said trying to convince her that I'm fine. She sat next to me and hugged me. "Well if it doesn't hurt you its fine, but just try breaking that habit. Please?" She begged. "Alright I'll try for you, Maggie." I said while giving her a forehead kiss.

Daryl Dixon:
Your bad habit is your OCD. (Takes place in Alexandria)
Me and Daryl were settling into our new house in Alexandria. We had been putting up all the decorations and furniture. I could tell Daryl was starting to get annoyed with me because of how perfectly i wanted everything placed.
"No, Daryl move it a little to the lef- No! Not that much just a little bit, alright a tiny bit to the right.. and there!" I said to Daryl.
"Hmm.. I dont like how that one looks there.. We should move it over there, same with that one. But make sure its placed exactly center." I commanded Daryl. "Name. I dont think it has to be that precise. It's gonna get messed up later anyway." Daryl argued to me. "No, you don't understand! It has to look perfect, if it doesn't then it doesn't look right." I said frustrated.
Few hours later..
Me and Daryl were in our shared bed, i was cuddling him while he just accepted it.
"Hey Name?" He called out to me. "Hm?" "Would you leave me if I wasn't perfect enough for you?" He questioned me, my eyes widened. I quickly sat up. "Why would you ever think that, baby? You know nothing can change how much I love you.. If it bothers you, ill try to be more carefree?" I comforted him. He laid me back down and hugged me. "Yea I would like that, it would ease my worries." "Anything for you, Daryl.."

Michonne Hawthorne:
Your bad habit is negative self talk (Takes place in the prison)
"Ughh.. why didn't you do anything when we were out? I almost got bit just because i was talking to Glenn.. I need to stop being such a fucking idiot. It would have been so much better if Sibling Name was here, at least they could defend themselves!" I said to myself, while holding my head in my hands. I was so useless out there! Glenn had to save me from those damned walkers!"
"You good Name? What was all that talk about?" Michonne questioned me. I turned around quickly. "Yup, all good! Just getting myself ready for the next run with a pep talk!" I said panicked. She just raised an eyebrow and I assumed she walked off. I sat down on the bed with my hands on my head. "You're good on runs, Name. Everyone gets caught off guard at least once, there's no stopping it. Have you ever saved anyone in the group? Did you think they were useless because of it? No, everyone needs help once in a while, so don't think of it as a bad thing." Michonne said as she walked off. I stared at the cell door. A smile crept to my face, "Thanks Michonne.." I said blushing a bit.

Words: 1706
Is there anyone else I should do??
Also should I start a twd x reader story, it would follow the show, not the comics. I can make a separate story for the comics if you'd like, or I can do one about twdg a little later?

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