Oneshot - Glenn

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(Spoilers for season 7!! Takes place during Glenn's death. angst)
Maggie and Glenn will NOT be together during this, Glenn will have a twin brother (who's name is Theo, short for Theodore) who will die in his stead, everything else will stay the same.
Holy shit, Holy shit. He just kill Abraham and Theo.. Oh shit. This is bad, bad, what if he kills Glenn, Carl, anyone. Maggie.. she's pregnant I can't let her die either. I could feel millions thoughts racing through my head. I couldn't get a clear shot. One I knew I would hit without a doubt. If I missed he might kill someone else.
I aimed my gun steadily, I had a few of my friends whom I met on the road behind his subordinates, ready to attack once I shot. I took a deep breath.
I heard a thud as I looked back up to see Negan on the floor, blood pooling around him. I reloaded and shot at the people nearest to Glenn and the others. I ran over and grabbed one of Negan's people. I had seen he seemed to not like Negan as much as the others, he tolerated him from what I could tell. Only a few of them remained alive. They had their weapons seized and they lay on the ground with their hands on their head.
I ran over to Glenn and hugged him as tight as I could, I felt as if I let him go he would disappear. Tears were flowing down my face like a waterfall. Glenn returned the hug just a tight, I could hear him crying to.
"Glenn.. I thought, I thought I would lose you. Never see you again. If you had- if you had died I don't think I would be able to forgive myself." I said sobbing into his arms. "Theo's- Theodore's dead. That asshole, he killed my brother. He killed Abraham. He killed Abraham and my brother." Glenn said in shock, he obviously hadn't processed his brother had died. "I- I know, don't look. It'll make it worse. We can have a funeral for him here or at Alexandria or both, whatever you and Maggie decide on." I said empathic for him. "I love you Glenn." He just hugged me tighter as his sobs got louder as he mourned his brothers death.

Words: 393
Short but not sweet ☹️
Was listening to sad music during this so I made a sadder one

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