Oneshot - Ron

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(Fluff, u invite Ron out in this oneshot!!)
I ran to Ron's house with a smile on my face, I just knew this was gonna be perfect! I waved at a few people as I passed by, I couldn't help but feel all giddy I had planned a date for Ron and me, after all! We would have a picnic in this secluded area I found! It was beautiful, I just know Ron will love it!
I knocked on his door and his mother answered, she looked surprised to see me.
"Hi, Mrs. Anderson! Is Ron home?" I said politely to her, she nodded and called down Ron. I was getting anxious to leave already. He came down the stairs and I waved at him and he waved back.
"Hi name! What are you doing here?" Ron asked, he didn't seem disappointed I was here though. My smile became even bigger, "Hi Ron! I was just wondering if you were busy today? I wanted to show you something!" I asked him, and he looked over at his mom. She just nodded implying that he could come. Yes!
"Thanks, Mrs. Anderson!!" I yelled out to her as I dragged Ron with me. She laughed and waved at me, what a nice lady!
"Wait! Where are we even going Name?" He asked as he ran with me, I slowed down to a jog. "It's a surprise! You'll love it though, promise!" I said in a cheeky tone, he laughed and we ran with each other talking about everything we could think of. Once we got near the picnic area I slowed down and put a hand on his chest to tell him to stop. He looked confused but followed my lead.
"shh.. I don't want anyone to see us! It's a secret between us!" I said in a whisper. He nodded and went along with me being sneaky, I giggled at playfulness and grabbed his hand. I pushed some leaves and branches out the way and pulled Ron through. I looked over to see his reaction and it was priceless! He looked so amazed!
"It's beautiful ain't it?! I prepared us a picnic! Just the two of us!" I said showing him around the area, it was a beautiful garden secluded by all the trees and bushes, there's was flowers of all kinds making the most beautiful scenery. "woah.. Name.. this is amazing! It's so beautiful, how did you find this?" He whispered out in awe, I smiled at his reaction. "I was looking for a place just for the two of us to hang out! Now let's go eat, don't want the ants to get to it!" I pulled him over to the blanket and sat him down. I opened the picnic basket that I had brought prior, there was all kinds of foods and snacks in there. I pulled out some sandwiches and handed one to him.
"All the food I got out while helping on runs, so don't worry about me taking any of the rations." I said jokingly to him he smiled at me and replied, "Your amazing! You got all this food, you're probably stronger than me!" I laughed and took a bite of my sandwich, "I made these myself, I just wanted to be extra for you, babe." "You didn't have to, this was already more than enough! No need to be extra, I'll love you for you are, you know that!" He said hulling me into his lap, I laughed softly, "I know just wanted to show you how much I love you!" I replied while getting comfortable in his lap.
"These sandwiches are real good, got any more?" "You finished that one already?! I don't think I packed enough for this!" "Be quiet! You got anymore?" "Yea, I got other foods in there to!"
"That was so good! I'm stuffed." Ron said while patting his stomach, I giggled into my hand. "Yea cause you ate like three of everything!" I said giggling uncontrollably, he faked being offended and playfully swatted me. I laughed even more, he joined in with me.
"Oh! I got one more thing for you!" I said springing up from his lap, I crawled over to the basket and took something from it, Ron tried peeking over but failed. "What is it, name? I wanna see!" He complained, i shushed him and told him to wait a second. I turned around holding a king size chocolate bar. "Tada!! I got you a chocolate bar! I was looking for so long to find one!" I said presenting it as if it was the most valuable object ever. I swear I could see stars in his eyes as I handed it to him. "Woah!! You found a chocolate bar!?" I grinned at him. "Yup, just for you!" I said watching him as he opened the chocolate, he broke off half and gave it to me, I guess he could see I was confused as he spoke up. "Well, if you got the chocolate you deserve at least half of it! And what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't give you any?" He said as if it were super obvious. ".. thanks Ron.." I said with a blush on my face. We ate the chocolate together and was sitting in between his lap. "This was fun, wasn't it Ron?" "Yea and next time I'll plan a surprise for you, can't guarantee it'll be better than this though." He said putting a hand through my hair. "I don't care as long as you're with me." I said looking up at him, my cheeks flushed.
"I love you, Name."
"I love you more, Ron."
Words: 950
Flufff!! This one was actually kinda easy to write! I love writing about picnic dates!! Might be a little rushed tho😞
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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2023 ⏰

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