Chapter 7

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Jack's P.O.V

Monday Well my day was normal nothing special my life isn't that special though. I enjoy it anyway, the day passed a bit fast i didn't talk to Em nor Lizzie i saw them before lunch time and we had just a quick talk, it wasn't about something relevant; we talk about music, Em told about what Noel gave her seriously i cant believe he gave her a 'one direction' CD she totally hates them in my life in this school i haven't known a girl that hates 'one direction' or 'justin bieber' except for Emily she is just different from the rest girls and thats why i think i like her i don't have to impress her or act different with her, with her in simply an utterly me she is like my sister, the little sister i have never had. But, most of all i can bully her and mess with her without her getting mad. She told us that one of her favorites groups was coming to town 'sleeping with sirens' was playing here in the sleepless theater and she wanted us to go she said she would gave us more details as soon as she finds out more about that. Anyway that was all we talk about. When the bell rang announcing the end of the classes i made my way to the soccer field we had a match today and we need to win. The soccer practice that afternoon was the trigger of every thing. All of a sudden change dramatically, Noel and I we are the two captains of the team and i have to say there is some kind o tension between us specially because he always wants to be the best. One of my responsibilities was to lead the warm ups with Laser, Noel's best friend. I don't have a problem with Laser i actually had fun with him although he is Noel bro he is completely different or well at least he treats girls right. Finally, our coach blew his whistle and pulled us into the center of the soccer field "Mullins," his voice was hoarse and loud as always. "You know what to do." Coach Thomson pointed towards the team, that was an ordered i must start the warm up, or ill get in trouble. "Twenty-Forties for 20 minutes" I said seriously we must warm up because Little-east is a tough rival for us. The whole team reach the goal line we were going to start the warm up, I pulled my shirt off over my head and tossed it on the grass next to me, it was a hot sunny afternoon, and even though we hadn't started the work out yet, my t-shirt already smelled like sweat. Austin threw his shirt on the top of mine, I hate it he always wants to be the centre of attention. For the entire work out my brain was entirely consumed on the match we need to work hard if we want to go to the finals. By the end of it, I wasn't even tired. I'd probably be swore the next day, but now my mind has to be on the game we are about to play. The coach Thomson approached to us, the advice he was about to give us would be a great advice that he'd ever given during a practice. Listening was imperative "Last year we beat Little-east 1-0" he continued. "We would have tied them if it hadn't been for Khan's last minute penalty shot," he nodded to Noel who smug at the coach compliment. It's pretty clear he is the favorite, so yeah another reason i don't like him. "This year i want to score, and i want to score early." "Mullins," Thomson directed his booming voice at me. "Today you are playing defense, Right side." Defense? Is this a fucking joke? I've never been put on defense not even once in my whole six years of playing. During practices sure, but not for real. I can only play one position and thats offense. Scoring goals is what i do. I was full of anger but i didn't complain i was sure of something if i contradict coach Thomson he would probably bench me so i closed my mouth an clenched my fists so i wouldn't yell at him or give him a shot on the face. Everyone was as shocked as i was but no one said anything, Even Noel gave me a worried look he new that i was a good element although we are rivals on the field we try to work together i had to admit we make a good team's work. but, now it was a possibility that we could lose with me on defense. Ten minutes later we saw the Little-east arrive they were good every single player was strong, all the spectators were near the sidelines and around the field's perimeter. There was a decent turn out, of people at the game, considering it wasn't a league title or state game. Noel and Mike Red the captain of Little-east did the coin flip to know which team was starting first, Noel won he always does he has some kind of special luck at the coin flip, but that doesn't takes the fact that we might lose the match Mike is a good player he plays offense and maybe we were fuck up now! He has a reputation for being a dirty player. Once he'd checked Noel so hard that he had to sit out the rest of the game because his nose wouldn't stop bleeding. It made me happy i would like to hit him but i cant so i actually grinned when that happen, eventually Mike received a black eyed courtesy of Noel,s friends. So there is a harsh rivalry between them. The game was about to start i gave a last glare to the spectators sits and suddenly i recognised there were two mans there were from the Californian U and they were looking for talents and i couldnt be what they were looking for because i was playing fucking defense just the day the Californian U scouts came to seek for good elements I'm playing defense i was pissed off, I wanted to kill the coach and, I wanted to hit Noel perfect face. The game ended we won 4-1 we were now on the finals, i was proud of our team we did a great job and Noel scored the 3 goals, that was good but there comes another reason his ego will go higher, anyway i was still pissed off with the idea i had played on defense, so i was the first who enter to the showers, i didn't wanted to be out there right now. When i finished i was making my way to the lockers when i was about to turn the corner i heard mumbles and laughs i didn't wanted to interrupt or peek but then i heard Emily's name that made my blood boiled i heard everything and i was not happy not at all. "So man, how is the bet going? Have you hook up with her?" It was Aaron sneering voice. "No man, Emily is a tough girl to read, and for once there was a girl who wasn't throwing herself at me." He snort, I shiver a bit trying to mute my hard breathing. "Hey, is Noel Khan falling in love?" Aaron voice sounded obnoxious. "Are you feeling compassion for some shitty ordinary girl, or you actually like her?" He said scornfully as he left a hard giggle. "No, obviously not maybe i like her but not that much i mean there are hotter babes and you know she is kind weird." He spat, i rolled my fists i was getting furious. "Well, you got less than a week, your time is almost over and I'm going to win anyway, face it" that stupid assholes had a bet! "I will Aaron, today i have a date with her and i would make my move this time she won't have luck, anyway you don't talk to Liz anymore how will you win?" I heard he shot his locker door. "Her name is Lizzie, thats irrelevant but, she is easy to persuade I'm sure she would fall fast you are not the only one who knows how to play the bad boy game, Noel." I was getting anxious i could not longer wait the end of the conversation i knew i must said this to Em, i knew i should had left but i just couldn't. "Whatever, today i will hook up with Emily and then throw her away and then you'll have to pay me that money you know i want to fix m... my..." He said cockily, but before he could finished what he was going to say i had jumped over him i was hitting him on the face. "Fucking prick!" I muttered underneath my breath as we were falling to the flor i caught him by surprised so he couldn't react he was still shock as Aaron was, he was still lingering at the spot he was while i was hitting Noel with my fists. Suddenly he pushed me back i stood up, i waited while he was standing up, when he wasn't stumbling anymore he started talking. "What the hell, fucking faggot! you want to be dead!" he yelp. "Why did you do that?" His voice was hoarse. "You know why don't try to deny it you are just playing with Emily!" i scowl. "Oh! calm down, don't you dare to talk to me like that, you are talking with Noel Khan so you better lower your voice, anyway why do you care if i play with her she is just another one ill hook up with." I didn't know what make me more angry the fact that he could be so careless and a fucking player or the fact that it was Emily the one who was getting hurt. I couldn't resist any longer, i couldn't look at him any longer i was utterly pissed of with that jerk, I walk towards him and punched him squarely in the face. He doubled back, holding his jaw who was now bleeding, Aaron jumped on him pushing me away, it was now two against one. I moved to get in the fight i didn't care it was me against them if i had to protect, or defend Emily i would do what ever its necessary even if i had to kicked Noel ass out. but, suddenly i felt someone grabbing my back. "Bro, he's not worth it" i heard Laser tell me. "Don't" he gave me a sly smirk, try to soothe me. "Laser, you know i can't he is fooling with Emily i cant let him do that i cant just walk away" Noel was sitting on the bench while Aaron was giving him a wet towel. I tired to calm down bit. "Jack, he is Noel Khan there's no way you beat him up and if you so he will retaliate later. Its better to tell Emily, she would know what to do." He palm my back. "Lase, you dont know Emily, she can break so easily i need to protect her, justice is needed! And honestly i been waiting this moment for a long time, i had wanted to kicked Noel so many times." I shovelled as Laser frown his brows, in his eyes it was compassion. "You are right, i don't know Emily well, but i know Spencer and she is one of Emily's best friends she has told me about her and she is not as weak as you think she would go through it. You can hit Noel now but you must tell her about this so she can make a move." I nodded in agreement. I made my way to Noel and left Laser behind my back i was now more relax and calm my heartbeats were regular. Noel raised his gaze touch his lips that were not longer bleeding, and grinned blatantly. "What do you want, jerk?" He spat. "I want you to stay away from Emily, you know she is not a toy, people aren't toys you can play with, and when you get tired you throw them away." "Jack, little poor Jack, i do what ever i want." He smug. "Whatever, But if i see you near her i will make your life miserable." I shouted. "Okay, just calm down Jack she is not even worth it." He grinned, and turned around to high-five with Aaron. I was about to gave him another hit when i heard coach Thomson's voice echoing on the hall "Ladies" he shouted! "Sit down both of you, and Aaron go!" We sat on the bench. "I don't know what's going on here but thats not something i care about, i don't care who started or if you were fighting about." I didn't want to met his eyes. "And if i ever seen anything like this from you girls again, you will be off this team." He walked away from us angrily. "Well, Jack look you had just put me in trouble and i didn't need this i cant hit you on the face cause that would be stupid since the coach has banned us." He said nonchalant. "But i can.. play with Emily, tonight." He smirked. "You are a fucking idiot." I hit him again on the face, but this time he returned my hit he hit me on the stomach he was a clever guy i had to admit. I gave him a final glare, I hustle him and walked away. I was tired my stomach was aching and i didn't want to be off the team. I made my way back to my house i took another shower i was now feeling swore, the pain was running in my body. I laid on my bed and felt asleep, i wasn't on the mood of doing homework or chatting with anybody, i didn't received any called from Emily and i didn't wanted to call her neither. I was afraid Noel had told her some kind of lie or version were i looked like the bad guy, i just couldn't figured out losing my best friend. I didn't even knew if Noel went out with her after all, if he did maybe all my threatens were for nothing because he would have won anyway, I prayed Emily was clever enough to stop Noel shitty plans. The next day i didn't saw Emily until lunch time, and i didn't liked seeing her, she was with Lizzie and she was crying my heart broke i felt a shivered going down my spine i hate seeing her cry she was going to flood the school something happened something utterly bad and i was not sure if it was right to go and hug her. Then my question was answered when i caught Emily sight on me, she was looking on my way, i looked back at her eyes; they were begging for a hug i walked slowly to her when she untangled her hands of Lizzie back's and ran towards me she hugged me, i stiffen and hold her tightly, i didnt want to let her go i played with her hair as i rubbed her back trying to soothe her. She was a bit calmer but I could still hear her sobbing quietly. i didn't knew what actually happened with Noel, but i was sure about something she was crying about Noel and that made me hate Noel more than ever and he wasn't going to getting away with it, he was going to pay for doing this to Emily, It didn't matter if they ditch me from the soccer team nor the school, Emily is a hundred percent worth the fight. Emily's P.O.V ~~Author's Note ~~ What do you think? Sorry if this chapter bored you or wasn't good but thats the way i wanted to be. Isn't Jack like super cute? And Noel he is a dick why did he do that to Emily the worst part is i still like him that way i like bad guys.. Thanks for the waiting, love you readers hope you vote or comment or at least you enjoyed the cap.

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