Chapter 8

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Emily's P.O.V ( Monday. )

As I made my way back to my house i just couldn't think of anything else except from Noel and the fact that we were dating, a second I was completely astonish; Noel was looking for a second date just as much as i eager.

Back at my house i threw my bag near the stairway, made my way upstairs and started seeking for something nice to wear, the first time i wore a skirt and a sheer shirt now i wanted something more casual and comfortable so after hours of looking and not be fine with my clothing i finally decided to wear a black tank top some pink jeggings with stripes and patrons and some lit-brown

lace up boots. I fixed my hair by making me a waterfall-braid.

This time i was ready earlier it was about 5:27 Noel was coming in a few minutes, or at least i thought so, despite i wasn't sure at all, i didn't knew if he was coming earlier at the exact time or later he was an unpredictable guy. Anyway i laid on my sofa i threw the computer over the sofa and logged on the computer i was on the web i had nothing to do well i had homework to do but i wont do it my head was not going concentrate on it specially on maths. So i typed 'pierce the veil' on the browser and suddenly a date popped onto the screen it was 15 of may there were coming to San Diego it was too close just an hour from here I booked for tickets they weren't any available at the moment the sale was tomorrow, it was great i had been saving for this like my whole life and now my dream was going to come true i felt the happiness irradiating all over me i was just wanting to be tomorrow, i text Lizzie and Spencer i told them about the tour they were obviously coming with me they know they are my favorite band ever well i can not chose between 'Sleeping and Pierce' but the both bands were the only reason i was living for! I have had a crush on Vic for a bit of time at first it was Kellin but now, seriously Vic has like kind of won my heart his quotes and the way he treats the fans i will seriously like to have a brother or best friend like him he is perfect. Anyway i know dreaming about meeting him is quite ridiculous knowing the fact that he is a bit older than me I'm 17 he is 23 not much yeah age is just a number but when he is a singer yeah good luck making him to like you knowing there are like 10000 girls better and prettier than you, thats just a nice fantasy. I was snapped out of my thoughts when my phone rang it was lizzie but i couldn't answer accidentally y declined the call, i was about to call her back when i unlocked my iPhone i realised it was 6:20 pm i spend to much thinking about nonsense and bands and band members that the time passed fast it was great because i didn't felt like i waited to much but it was sad because Noel was late it was like half hour of delayed i was not happy though i was not surprised.

6:30, 6:45, 7:00 gosh! How long it takes for Noel to come he knows were i live and i don't think that waiting that much is fine even for a bad boy something was wrong if something happened to him? If he was injured on his soccer game? If he got detention? Or worst if he was robbed? Oh no... He forgot about our date? Who can he forget about it he invited me earlier FUCK! He found someone better he is not coming. Timed passed every second was a nightmare i was so anxious, worried i was over-thinking. Finally i knew it was true he left me he was not coming it was almost 9 o'clock he was not coming i didn't call although i eager for it i didn't do it i was not letting him to know that i was weak i was not going to beg him i was strong enough or t least that was what i made myself believed. I was now consumed i was tired i was just laying there on the sofa i was not longer using the computer i didn't even called lizzie back i was not on the mood of anything i was just there laying doing absolutely nothing rather than over-thinking, facing the fact that i was never good enough the fact that it was just a game the fact that I'm the same quite good girl no one will ever fall because she is too complicated to let anybody close, the after some minutes of doing nothing i break i broke in tears i was weeping i was mad at my self for believing that i could actually change Noel ways, that i could actually be the one he will care about it was all a lie. And to be honest i was utterly broken i was shattered. My eyes were red my make up was smeared i eat a hole chunky monkey ice cream now i was worthless broken and to make it better i was fat! But yeah who cares! I stand again walk towards my sound music system, turned the music up And slumped back to my bed as the song 'Hold on till may' was on replay the way the words of Vic's song were perfectly accurate to my feelings every single verse was echoing on my room, the windows shaking because of the loud sound of the music blasting through the speakers made me felt better at least for a while. Those lyrics his voice it was like being held on a big hug it was like being protected and safe on his arms.

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