Chapter 29 - Lets talk

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Wednesday's POV

It's the next day and Enid has already gone somewhere. I decided to have a day where it was just me. Everyday is filled with social activities and i'm losing my sanity. I also feel awkward ever since Enid brought up marriage. It makes me question things about myself.

I've got my oversized black hoodie on and I'm watching a show called Stranger Things on this app called Netflix. Enid says everyone has it.
There's a knock at my door. I turn my phone off and go open it.
It was Xavier. He smiles at me.
"Hey." He says.
"Hi." I reply back awkwardly.
"Can I come in..?" He questions.

"Ok." I reply opening the door. I walk in and stand awkwardly.
"Are you ok? You seem tense." Xavier asks jokingly.
I've learned dishonesty has gotten us nowhere in our relationship, one thing about me is I don't make the same mistake twice.

"I have something on my mind." I say sitting down on my bed. Xavier sits down next to me and grabs my hand.
"What's up?" He asks looking worried.
"Enid mentioned.. something last night. It's made me question stuff." I replied back hesitant to tell him.
"What 'stuff' did Enid mention." He asks wiggly his eyebrows to lighten the tension.
"Marriage." I stated. This made him choke on his own saliva.

After calming down he speaks up.
"Do you want that?.. Marriage?" He asks.
"I thought I didn't. The thought of my Mother and Father disgusts me." I said looking at him.
"What about the thought of us?" He smiles.
"It disgusts me less. That's why it isn't something i'm opposed too." I replied.
Xavier grins and kisses me.
"I think we are way to young but at least I know your on board." He winks at me then wrapping his arms around me and laying down on the bed. I fell with him and it felt more comfortable.

As we are laying there he speaks up.
"Remember last time we were here." He says proudly.
I start to blush remembering and hide my face with my hoodie. This makes him laugh.
I sit up and face him. It annoys me that he thinks he can get away with making me flustered.

"Do you remember?" I ask smirking.
He starts to blush too. I put my hand around his neck and the other hand on his chest. He looks at my lips and I close the gap between us.
Our lips move in sync as our bodies move closer together. We pull away after 2 minutes.

I lay back down on his chest. He is stroking my hair, and I could tell he was smiling.
"I love you so much." He says.
I look up at him and see him staring at me with a small smile.
"I love you too." I reply quietly. He puts his arm around me and for a few seconds I close my eyes.

I wake up. I must of fallen asleep on Xavier. I feel him breathing. And I roll over to face him. He is asleep, he looks peaceful. Like a dead person, my stomach got butterflies looking at him. He starts to stir awake. He opens his eyes to be met by mine. He smiles at me and gives me a small kiss on the lips.

"What time is it?" He asks me.
I check my phone and it says 5 pm.
"We've been asleep 3 hours, it's 5." I replied putting my head back on the pillow.
"I find it easier sleeping next to you." Xavier confesses.
"I have to confess, my nightmares are more interesting sleeping next to you." I reply making him laugh.
"Your so amazing Nes." He laughs tucking my hair behind my ear.

I get up deciding I wanted to play my cello.
"I'm going to play my cello. You can stay here if you want." I said.
"Ok, I wanna hear you play. I'll lay here." He says smiling at me.
I go outside and get my cello set up. Once I start playing I can't stop. It's my peace away from living a normal life. I don't hate my life but I don't enjoy being compared to normal teenagers.

After 10 minutes of playing I finish. I forgot Xavier was in my room and I walk him to see him smiling. He comes up to me and hugs me. I reluctantly hug back putting my hands around his waist.
"That was so good." He smiles putting his hands on both of my face.
"I know." I reply smirking. He laughs bending down to kiss me.

"Next weekend is parents weekend you know." Xavier says. We are now sitting on the balcony with our feet dangling off the edge.
"Don't remind me." I said realising my Mother and Father will be here.
"I'll be surprised if my Father even shows up." He says looking down at the few students in the courtyard.
"You can always.. join me." I offer awkwardly. He smiles grabbing my hand.
"I might take you up on that offer Addams."

By nighttime Xavier is still here. Enid and Ajax went into town for another movie night. Enid offered for me to come but I didn't want to be in a crowd.
It starts to rain as we are sitting in my room. I get the urge to go for a walk.
"I'm going for a walk." I say getting up.
"Are you crazy it's raining." Xavier says getting up too.
"Of course I'm crazy." I reply leaving my room.
I hear Xavier catching up to me as he grabs my hand.  His other hand having an umbrella.
"Let's be crazy together then." He replies as we walk outside.

We exit the school and start walking through the woods to our spot.
Xavier was being very affectionate kissing me every few minutes and not wanting to let go of my arm.
"Your being very affectionate lately." I stated as we arrived at the hill. It looked more beautiful in the rainy night sky in my opinion.
"Is there something wrong with that?" He asked looking down at me.
"I guess not." I replied still looking at the sky. Suddenly I feel raindrops and see Xavier close the umbrella.

"What are you doing?" I ask him.
"Just having fun." He says as he puts his arms out and tries to catch raindrops in his mouth.
The sight confused me. How could he have this much fun from some water?
"Come on have some fun Nes!" He smiles lifting me up and spinning me around in his arms.
"Let me go." I say, though I have a hint of a smile on my lips.
We share a kiss as we have fun in the rain.

I guess it's not so bad doing normal teenage things.

We walk back to the school. It is midnight now and if we get caught we would be in big trouble. We sneak around the school trying not to get caught. It would be fine if we were earlier since Uncle Fester got rid of the no boys in your dorm rule.
All we needed to do is go up some stairs. I stop and hide behind a wall as I see two teachers come down those stairs.

I took a look at who it was and it was Judas and Uncle Fester?
Xavier smiles at me and wiggles his eyebrows, resulting in me rolling my eyes.
"Your a great principal Alexander." Judas says.
"Thank you. I try." Uncle Fester says proudly.
"I have to admit.. I know your secret." She told him.
Me and Xavier look at each other with wide eyes.
"Well.. just don't tell anyone." Uncle Fester says awkwardly trying to walk away.

"Wait... I won't tell anyone. I think it's mysterious." Judas says as she catches up to Uncle Fester and grabs his hand. Uncle Fester's eyes go wide as he smirks.
"Well then you should hear about my other stories." He says proudly as they walk off in the other direction.

Once their gone Xavier bursts out laughing making me slightly laugh myself.
"Did we witness the beginning of your Uncle's relationship?" He smiles as we walk up the stairs to my dorm.
"Stop it." I reply at the idea.
We arrive at the dorm and see that Enid isn't there. It's strange since normally she would tell me if she wasn't going to be there.

"I'm going to have a shower." I say as I walk got he bathroom.
"Damn I was going to." Xavier says making me turn around.
"It's my shower." I reply going to walk in.
"Maybe I should just join you instead." He says making me turn around again with wide eyes.

"Very well." I reply as I walk in smiling, as he follows me.

Guys I think I might only do one or two chapters more :(

It depends if you want to see anything after parents weekend? If you have ideas I'm all ears 👂


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