Eyes That Tell

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//Authors POV//

Two weeks had passed since the incident with Tobirama. Izuna stayed hidden in his room and refused to meet with anyone aside from his brother and father. Many people tried to talk to him and assure him that things would be fine. Even Hashirama came over a few nights ago to reassure the young Uchiha heir that Tobirama would come around. Izuna just kicked him out his room and made sure no one came in anymore by barricading himself. His wounds weren't fully healed yet, but that didn't Izuna from pushing bookshelves and other furniture against the door. Every morning though, Madara would get Hashirama to push the doors open causing the heavy objects to topple over. The noise would be so loud to the point that it awoke the younger. 

Today was like every other day. Izuna sat on the wooden floors of his room and stacked up the books in alphabetical order. He was too preoccupied dealing with the total mess of his room so realize that Hashirama was standing in the doorway of his room. The slight smell of Pinewood was the oddball factor that made him look up and sigh.

"What do you want, Hashirama?" 

Hashirama slowly pushed himself off the frame and walked over to Izuna before sitting down next to him. His fingers slowly traced over the stack of books and Izuna continued to sort through the mess as if Hashirama was not in the room sitting next to him.

"Izuna, I wanted to talk to you about wedding arrangements. The wedding is in one week and-"

"I'm going to stop you right there. I still never agreed to being married off to your brother nor did I agree to make wedding plans," Izuna said. His face was neutral, but you could tell those emotions of sadness were trying to escape. 

"Look, I know you feel overwhelmed with all of this going on, but this wedding will go on no matter what me, Tobirama, or Madara have to say. Our fathers decided it and us going against their word will only make things worse." Izuna stared down at his hands and could feel the tears well up in his eyes. Hashirama took hold of Izuna's hands and gently clutched them. Izuna blinked back the tears and looked up at Hashirama. 

"Everything is going to be fine. If Tobirama even goes as far as hurting you once more, I'll make sure he is 6-feet under." The scary smile on Hashirama's face sent shivers down Izuna's spine. That's how he knew Hashirama wasn't playing around with his words. Izuna smiled back a bit nervously, but he finally noticed the scent of another individual. The strong fragrance of an Ume flower made Hashirama and Izuna look at the door only to see Madara standing there. He glared at Hashirama before approaching him and pulling him by the ear. Izuna looked a little stunned and watched as Hashirama whined while being practically dragged out the door. 


"Shut it." Was all that Madara said before they both made it back to his room. He pushed him inside and released Hashirama's ear, crossing his arms in disappointment. "Quit faking it, you know that didn't hurt." Hashirama stopped rubbing his ear and smiled mischievously at Madara before walking closer to him. Madara glared at Hashirama's challenging stance and tried to stand his ground. It didn't work however, as Hashirama grabbed Madara and pinned his wrist up against the door.  Madara squirmed and tried to kick the Senju away. He stopped abruptly when Hashirama began to release pheromones causing him to gasp out and throw his head back. The scent of Pinewood invaded Madara's senses, and he cursed Hashirama under his breath. 

"Fucking Bastard-"

"You started it, now tell me Dara, what made you come in there and practically drag me out. That wasn't very civil and elegant of you." 

Madara simply stared at Hashirama before putting his head down in defeat. Sure, a challenge with Hashirama would be exhilarating, but in the position he was in, any movement would cause a clamor that would end in Madara being overpowered. 

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