Re-Marking (M)

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//Tobirama's POV//

The horses came to a halt, and I looked down to see Izuna passed out against my chest. His head was still slumped forward meaning he most likely would not wake up anytime soon. I carried him in my arms and walked through the compound before sliding my room door open with my foot and shutting it the same way. Izuna slightly whimpered as I laid him down on the bed and removed his shoes. The Kimono slightly slipped off his one of his shoulders exposing a bit of his collarbone. The mark close to the nape of his neck was exposed and contrasted with the paleness of his skin. He shuttered slightly when my fingers traced over the indents of the bite, and he quietly moaned. Instantly my hand retracted, and I could only stand there before grabbing a pair of loose black pants and a black t-shirt from my drawer. I changed quickly before heading to my office to get some work done. While in the middle of planning out some treaties, a knock at my door made me look up. A maid came in soon after with a cup of coffee and set it down.

"I came to tell you that Izuna-sama has awaken. He's still slightly disorientated so some of the other maids are helping him get ready for bed." I nodded and thanked her before she walked out.

Without any further interruptions, I continued to write down a couple of notes before picking up a manilla folder under some scrolls. Inside was sensitive information about the group that attacked Izuna and I that night a month ago. It infuriated me that they were actually still free acting as if they would never be caught. It took everything in me not to track these bastards and shredding them into pieces. No one gets away with shit like this on my watch.


I stopped twirling my pen and looked up. The sound was a bit concerning so I got up and headed out the office and into my room. Slowly I opened the door and froze at the sight right in front of me. Izuna was on the floor slightly looking down at his ankle and beginning to sob gently. He looked up at me and tried to pull himself up by holding the bed but ended up almost falling again. I quickly dove down and caught him before picking him up and sitting him down on the bed. "Stay still" I said while rotating his ankle. He trembled and whined in pain as the tears spilled over. I looked up and instantly was taken back by the sight. Izuna was only wearing a blue silk robe, and because his leg was slightly lifted, I could see the white lace underwear beneath that robe. "I-Is it broken?" I quickly looked back up and saw a red hue covering Izuna's cheeks. His face was tear struck, but he managed to control his trembling. "It's not broken, just a sprain." He nodded and pulled his foot away before looking down in thought. I took this time to get some bandages and wrap it around his ankle and foot. He bit his lips a couple of times as finally spoke again.

"About that night. I'm so sorry. I should have known better and controlled my pheromones." I looked up at him and he had a sincere apologetic look on his face.

"Don't worry about it, Izuna" I said before getting up. I didn't seem to make it far since a whiff of sweet Wisteria caught my attention. I looked at Izuna who gasped tried to swat the smell away. He looked at me with panic in his eyes and abruptly stood up. I caught him just in time before he fell over. My arms wrapped tightly around him as his body wavered. "I didn't mean to do that!! Your pheromones are too strong and I just- my body isn't used to-" It felt as if something snapped in me completely before I grabbed Izuna and pinned him on the bed, settling between his thighs. His eyes widened and he struggled against my hold. I tried to stop but the scent was too strong as it surrounded me, and it made my instincts kick in. Izuna flinched as my hand slowly traveled up his thigh and below the robe. A little whine left his lips as my hand slowly traced the outline of his underwear and squeezed his butt. His scent was so overwhelming, and the rationality that was left in my head was slowly dissipating till only a small bit kept me under wraps. I began to try and pull myself away, but Izuna looked at me with such seductive eyes. I don't even know if he knew what he was doing.

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