Starry Night

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//Author's POV//

When Izuna awoke the next morning, he groaned out in pain and sat up in bed. It took him some time to figure out where he was or what had happened to him. He did however freak out when he saw that his clothing was missing and that he was completely nude. A scream erupted from Izuna which started Tobirama who was lying next to him. He instantly sat up and turned to look at Izuna who had tears at the brim of his eyes.

"W-What did you do t-to me?!" Izuna sounded frantic and a bit traumatized which wasn't surprising to the Senju.

"I didn't do anything to you, Izuna. You wouldn't let me touch you last night to change you so I just left you like that. Now calm down" Tobirama said. Izuna slowly evened his breathing and calmed down, but his hands were tightly clutching the blanket against his naked body. Tobirama noticed his nervousness and sighed before stepping out of bed. He shuffled through some clothing in the closet before taking out a pair of comfortable light blue pajamas. Izuna watched him diligently as he approached and sat down next to him.

"I'm not going to hurt you, so move the duvet," Tobirama said calmly. Izuna shook his head distrusting anything Tobirama said and clutched the duvet tighter.

"I-I can do it on my own," Izuna said, nervously. He tried to reach over and grab the clothing but winced in pain. He finally took a look at his body even more closely and noticed bruises littering his pale skin. Some were so big and painful which caused pain to radiate when he moved. Without another choice, Izuna's grip on the duvet loosened and Tobirama grabbed it before pulling it aside. Izuna instinctively covered his most private part and looked away in embarrassment, but the fear was still evident as he flinched when Tobirama's finger grazed against his thigh. His attention was back on Tobirama and his actions. This only made him more nervous when those calculating eyes glared up at him and stayed like that for a bit.

"These bruises should be gone in a couple of days."

Tobirama carefully grabbed the t-shirt and put it over Izuna's head. Izuna winced in pain and teared up even more. His body however felt too sore to complain and let Tobirama do his thing. He continued and reached over to put Izuna's underwear on which did make the Uchiha slightly shift in place. The soft garment slid on easily along with the shorts before Tobirama stood up from the bed and pulled the duvet back over Izuna. He walked over to some paperwork he had set on a small table in the room before sitting down and beginning to work on some things. Izuna stared at him from the bed and nervously bit his lip. He was sure of what he had felt that day. That Tobirama was the one for him, but he couldn't tell him. Tobirama didn't love him and just saying it would make the pain worse, but it did warm his heart slightly at the thought that Tobirama came back for him. Then the memories started to come back and that smile ended up fading. Those tears continued to flow until Tobirama looked up from what he was doing and stared at Izuna trembling. 

"What's the matter?" Tobirama asked as he stood up and strode over to the shaking figure. Izuna looked down avoiding his husband's gaze in fear of being hurt again. A choked-up cry did end up erupted from his lips before Tobirama lifted his chin carefully. Izuna flinched but didn't back away. His eyes met those vibrant red ones which drowned away those fears. Izuna felt at ease and allowed Tobirama to wipe away the tears he had slipped out. "I can't- I don't know how this all happened-" Izuna said before being cut off by Tobirama. 

"This isn't your fault, they managed to slip through the border. Nobody could have stopped them if they didn't know they went through it. there should have been more protective guards here, and I failed to do that, and I'm sorry for it." Izuna stared in shock at the apology but looked down once more before dropping his head against Tobirama's chest. The Senju went ridged but gained composer before gently gliding his fingers through the raven's hair. He could feel Izuna's body slowly rack up violent shaking spasms as small cries erupted from his throat.  

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