Not Life

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TW: Violence 

//Author's POV//

After that night, a couple of months had passed and Izuna stayed in his room constantly staring out of one of the windows. Precisely 4 months had passed, but Izuna wouldn't know. He simply wasn't keeping count at this point. Day and night a couple of maids came by to offer him food, but Izuna would refuse it. His routine would repeat and he would always find himself sitting in the same spot, staring afar at the stars in the night. The numb feeling filled his heart and soul as he ached deeply. The thought of Tobirama and their relationship made tears well up in Izuna's eyes. Tobirama wouldn't know how the young Uchiha felt, however. He had ended up moving rooms after the constant crying and whimpering Izuna tried to suppress each night. That's the only reason Izuna could feel the cold and dimness in the room. It was the constant rejection he was getting from Tobirama who didn't seem to understand how hurt the young Uchiha was feeling each and every night. 

This all overwhelmed Izuna as he slowly slumped up against the glass panel and sobbed silently. He couldn't help it, and that's what Izuna hated about himself. He hated that he was so weak to his own emotions. He hated that nothing went the way that he wanted it, and it was all because of some dumb mistake he'd made when he was young and naive. Just the thought made him sob even more. Not even the gentle knock on the door seemed to startle Izuna as he sobbed silently.

The maid Airi slowly walked in with a tray of food before shutting the door and gently setting it down on the nightstand.

"Izuna, you need to eat. It's already been weeks now and you're barely touching anything I bring to you" she said sounding extremely concerned. Izuna slowly glanced at her and the tray behind her before looking at the window. He wiped a couple of tears away, but they continued to spill over on his flushed cheeks which were so irritated from the constant rubbing. 

"I'm not hungry"

Airi frowned at the response before sighing. She gently placed her hand on his limp one and rubbed it gently. Just the warmth from it made Izuna completely break down as Airi brought him into a hug and held him as if he was her child. Though they were close to a similar age, Izuna didn't mind. He couldn't really, Airi was the only one ever since he had gotten to the compound that actually cared for him. Every day she could make him meals even after the many times Izuna refused them. Truly showing how much she cared.

"Listen, I'm sure everything will be resolved soon. You need to focus on yourself now and try to be happy," she said. Izuna pulled away from the hug and tried to hold back tears as he spoke.

"But I love him. I can't do t-this-" Izuna said before he was cut off with more sobs coming out. Airi watched as he continued to cry and shake. "I know you do. Trust me, I can see it," she said quietly. This however didn't seem to calm Izuna down who was now at his furthest breaking point yet. He himself hadn't seen Tobirama in such a long time face to face and just really wanted to see him even if it meant being hated. Izuna couldn't stand being tossed away. The idea of it was enough to push Izuna to activate his Sharingan which he only did when he truly felt as if he was in danger or deeply hurt. Airi could only watch silently as his glowing red eyes gave her a look of agony. Izuna himself didn't even know he was presenting them to her and just continued to cry. Airi gently patted his back before calming him down and grabbing the food tray off the nightstand. She slowly stirred around the porridge in the bowl before coxing Izuna to eat it. Izuna adamantly refused at first and even pushed the spoon away from his face thing to think of Tobirama. Not even realizing how much he was hurting himself. 

"Come on Izuna, this isn't ok. You really don't want to get sick," Airi said as she continued to coax him. Izuna sat in silence as he watched her sigh and finally give up. This was what happened almost every other day until Izuna would drop from lack of nutrition. Only then would he finally give in and repeat the same process over and over. Never thinking about himself which Airi really couldn't take anymore. She wasn't mad at Izuna, but instead, she always directed her anger at Tobirama silently. Izuna from the beginning was a silent but bright person, but coming here was his big mistake, and Airi knew it. Tobirama had completely destroyed him. 

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