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//Izuna's POV//

Sandalwood. . . It was the last scent I passed out to and the first thing that welcomed me that morning. My eyes fluttered open and looked around the room only to find that the spot next to me was empty. I slowly sat up and instantly winced at the pain in my lower back. We definitely over did it last night. Practically crawling out of bed, I managed to get up and hold the bed sheet against my nude body. It seems that I was cleaned up nicely, and my neck was wrapped up again. Every step I took felt like a constant pain radiating through my body, but my inevitable condition only made me think about last night. His touch. His warmth. His arms wrapping around me tightly. The pleasure and pain. Those were the things that I was never going to feel after today and forward. 

I tried my best to forget everything and just keep it as a memory. As quick as I could, I grabbed my usual attire which was a blue long-sleeved shirt and a pair of black pants before slipping them on. As soon as I stepped out of the room, a maid hurried over and had a tray of food. She looked slightly panicked and out of breath.

"I'm so sorry Izuna-sama. The kitchen was backed up this morning." I simply smiled and took the tray from her hands. On it was a piece of toast with honey, a bowl of berries, and a glass of milk. 

"It's fine, I just woke up." She apologized some more before leading me to the small garden on the opposite side of the compound. Compared to my place, it was much vaster, but cozy. I sat down at one of the tables and began eating. The maid stood there silently without saying anything. "Would you like to sit with me, I don't mind at all. Afterall, I want to get to know the place a bit more." She nodded slowly and sat down. I could still see that she was a bit tense and looked around the place like as if someone would appear and attack. 

"Your name?"

"Senju Airi" she said nervously. 

"Airi. . . That's a pretty name. How long have you been working here?" 

"Six years now. My mother worked here long ago, and I just decided to do the same." I smiled and nodded before picking up a strawberry and handing it to her. She quickly shook her head and didn't want to take it. Once again, it looked like she was scared, but of what? 

"No no, I can't possibly take that!" I disagreed with her and put it right into her hand. She nervously brought it up to her mouth and ate it quickly. I just smiled and continued to ask her questions. She slowly started opening up to me and before long I knew lots of information about the people who worked her and how long. She also talked a little about Tobirama's habits which I secretly wanted to know about. . . for research purposes. 

"WHAT THE HELL DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING." The sudden loud voice of a female startled us both as Airi quickly stood up and bowed profusely. "I'm so sorry Ms. Hikari-" Airi couldn't even finish as the woman's hand made contact with her face and slapped her. Swiftly I shoved her away and helped Airi up who had tears already brimming her eyes. As soon as I stood up I turned to Hakari and glared. She glared right back at me and stood her ground. She had deep chocolate brown eyes that matched her long wavy hair. It seemed like she came from a rich background considering the long pink dress she wore with jewels bedazzling it. Her scent was also sickening strong. Fern is all I could think of as she approached me and stood a few more inches taller than me. Her stature practically screamed dominance, but I could easily see that she was just an omega like me.

"How dare you lay a hand on me, servant!" She tried to strike me, but I slapped her hand away.

"How ironic, a rich-breaded brat trying to put her hands on me. I don't think so." She looked like she was ready to blow a fuse and go on a rampage. Suddenly, however, her expression changed, and she threw herself on the ground while holding her ankle and crying out in pain. I stood there confused and so did Airi. That's until the strong scent of Sandalwood invaded my senses. Tobirama and some other clan members looked at her little show. Tobirama walked up to me and swiftly grabbed my arm before pulling me away. "Airi, you can go back to your other duties," Tobirama said calmly. She nodded and walked away still faking tears. Tobirama brought me through the compound and into a room that looked like an office. He slammed the door shut behind him and turned me to face him roughly. I pushed his hand off my shoulder and glared at him. 

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