Chapter 9: The end of Team 7 part 2

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The Hokage's Office

The Sandaime blinked. Out of nowhere, the leader of perhaps the most paranoid of all ninja villages, offering up their own Jinchuuriki, and his cousin at that. The Sandaime had been told for ages that anything too good to be true, wasn't true. Did it matter if it was him winning the Land of Earth's lottery, or free Icha Icha for the next five volumes, these offers were always fake, or had a catch to them...

"Shibuki-Dono, may I ask, why are you offering to give up this Fu, your cousin and your villages Jinchuuriki? I believe you are aware of our own Jinchuuriki..."

"Yes, Naruto Uzumaki"

"...Correct, and despite the wishes of the civilian council, I've tried to make his life as good as possible."Like finding the most trustworthy banker to protect his account and trust funds from Jiraiya, as well as to guard his parents old funds, and helping Naruto gain a rather decent apartment. Of course, it would be easier to just cut the civilian and elder council's off the equation, but it was an old law dating back to the days of the Shodai, that the civilians were to have a say in the village government. Of course, the only ones who got into power were the ones who wanted to control the ninja for their own agendas.

Shibuki sighed, "Sandaime-Dono, I wish this wasn't true, but compared to your Jinchuuriki, Fu has lived a horrible life. Aside from me and my father, no one in the village cares about her. Everyone knows what she has sealed within her, unlike what you've done here, and can't look past it. My father, and later myself, had to privately tutor ourselves for her to even get the training of one of your academy students. She can't even go out for a walk without being verbally and even at times physically abused. Heck, probably the only reason she hasn't been raped is because the people are afraid she'd reproduce." He was shaking in anger. "I just want to see her happy, and she won't be happy in Takigakure."

"A village leader should really hold his emotions in greater control." Danzo muttered.

"At the same time, we can use this is a show of trust; we show our trust to you by sending over the person who can potentially become Taki's greatest Kunoichi, and you can send something to us of equal value"

"Um, I can't ask you to take the Uchiha, can I?"


"Oh, worth a try." the Sandaime blew on his pipe. "Speaking of, we need to figure out some sort of punishment that bypasses the laws of the civilian and elder councils as a way to punish that fool for his behavior."

"I believe both of us are in agreement that the Uchiha should not be made a Chunin." Danzo commented. The Hokage nodded.

"Troublesome, I agree with that point." Shikaku shrugged.

"We could use that option." The Sandaime was referring to making it public the Uchiha's plans and removing Itachi's Missing Nin status. While risky, this could make it so Itachi would be the new Uchiha head, and the votes would be rebalanced again.

"That won't work; the troublesome council will twist that into their advantage." Shikaku sighed. For instance, they could say that the Uchiha were manipulated by residual demon energy or some other crap like that, and deal away with Naruto. They were crafty that way.

"You could just give Naruto his house." Shibuki suggested. The Sandaime thought about it for a minute, before he turned towards Shikaku, who was grinning.

"Or, better yet, the entire Uchiha district."

"Naruto, I am not..."

"What, for all I know Taisune and thus me might have it?"

"Good point." Naruto laughed, before he found himself frozen, as did Haku.

"I, Can't, MOVE!" both his and Haku's shadows were connected to Sasuke's, who was up and grinning.

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