Chapter 38: Finals Haku vs Shino

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Match 6, Konoha stadium

The sixth match of the finals was about to begin, with Haku Momoichi staring down the always mute form of Shino Aburame.

"I will win this fight, the Aburame never underestimate their foes" he said in a monotone. Haku rose an eyebrow.


"Begin" bugs began pouring out from Shino's jacket, creating a gigantic swarm, which formed a insect tsunami that flew towards Haku. She rapidly did handsigns.

"Ice Release; Protective Ice Dome!" a dome of ice formed around Haku, blocking the avalanche of bugs. The shinobi were stunned.

"Ice Release...that girl has Ice Release!"

"First the D...Naruto ends up being the Yondiame's son...with a bunch of Kekkei Genkai, now a girl with one of them as here own!"

"Great, another ice cold girl who won't date me" Shino didn't flinch, as the bugs began freezing from the ice before being able to devour the chakra. Haku shook her head. This dome was all she'd need to stop them, as long as she had the chakra to do it.

"Ice Release, Ice Spikes!" from the ice wall, spikes of ice rose up and smashed into Shino, who choose then to dissolve into bugs. She blinked.

"Bug clone..." more bugs began attacking the ice, their small bodies slowly, but surely raising the temperature with their bodies. This wouldn't end well, it took them longer to freeze now, leaving more time to eat at her protection.

'This will be a problem. I put more work into increasing my chakra reserves during the month then gaining new Jutsu. This could be trouble to deal with..." she did a quick handsign, as two water clones of her formed outside the ice dome. "Water Clone Jutsu"

"Ice Release; Demonic Ice Mirrors!" around Shino, giant floating ice mirrors began to form, as the water clones entered the mirrors, and began reigning Ice Senbon down at Shino and his bugs. Bug after bug was pierced, as Shino managed to himself avoid damage.

"Not bad strategies, on either of their parts"

"Yes, most excellent"

"This year will be a fine one for the Leaf and Suna, that is assured, as to Kumo and Iwa as well" the battle continued, as Shino drew a kunai with a exploding tag and tossed it at the mirrors. The tag exploded, slightly damaging the mirror, but to a minor extent.

"This jutsu can take the blunt of one of Duckie's fireball exploding tag's not much better" Shino was annoyed inside.

'This is going to be difficult. Her jutsu has me cornered, and my insects are being killed off too quickly. I may not be able to fight properly in the next rounds as a result. She is a fine opponent, her dome has blocked my insects from her, and yet she can still attack regardless with these mirrors. But the chakra, obviously Naruto-San and Fu-San have been busy training her for chakra build up. However, if I can hold out I should suffice'

"Ice Release; Ice Manicles!" Shino looked down as his foot became trapped by a ice restraint, before he broke into bugs, a bug clone as well. The real Shino had escaped the now dissolving ice mirrors, with two annoyed Water Clones glaring at him.

"Water Release; Water ball!"

"Wind Release; Frosty Wind!" the two attacks flew at Shino, who used his bugs, ushering out of his jacket, like a shield to block the attacks as some ground bugs got at the clones, forcing them to dissolve. He was now right on top of the Dome, with two exploding tag ridden kunai in hand.

"Oh now you don't, Ice Release; Ice Spikes!" ice spikes flew from the dome, straight at Shino. Jumping off to avoid getting pierced, before he tossed the kunai at the ice dome, where they gave off dud noises.

"Fake explosion tags!" she blinked, before a real explosion came from behind. Turning around, she found her back wall with a small portion of its bottom, as an army of bugs surging towards her. The little buggers must have planted explosion tags on the dome while she was distracted, not enough to destroy it, but to make a bug sized entrance.

Not bad, but she didn't really want to deal with the creepy crawler army.

"Haku-Chan!" Naruto yelled in fright. She focused her chakra into a defensive attack.

"Wind Release; Great Breakthrough!" from her mouth, a great burst of wind surged forward, blasting away the bugs in a powerful whirlwind, as she herself escaped from the ruined ice dome and glared down at Shino.

"You cannot defeat me, Haku-san. Surrender, and I will not have to feed your chakra to my 'friends'" he said in the Aburame Monotone. Haku glared right back.

"Don't think you can psyche me out...Water Release; Water ball!" it began a contest of speed vs strategy. Haku avoiding the bugs with superior speed, while Shino was trying to box her in with them.

"This battle is taking too long, tell bugsy and the ice bitch to hurry up" Sasuke huffed. The remaining genin glared at him.

"You are lucky that the rules keep me from ending your existence before our match, Sasuke-Teme"

"Shut it Teme"

"Yosh, you are most unyouthful!"

"Okay, so far we have one failure, 7 promising chunnin, and 3 who are probably Tobekstu material"

"Can we promote them directly to Tobektsu?"

"We can...we did so with Itachi the last time"

"Yes, I remember him, shame really what happened with him, don't you agree"


Shino was at the end of his rope, and Haku wasn't far behind. Both of them were panting now, and now it was about the end, as the bugs now had Haku cornered and air restrained.

"So, this is it. Surrender now, and you won't suffer extreme chakra exhaustion" Shino said in his monotone. However, Haku had a Naruto like grin on her face at this time.

"I don't think so, you see the best way to win, is to always be able to improvise. Now then" she did the handsigns normally used for Ice Release; Ball Implosion, but slightly different. Shino's eyes widened, as did the bug's if you could see their eyes.

"What, what are you doing...the Queen is starting to freeze" Haku rose an eyebrow, again like Naruto.

"Yes, if you don't surrender now, your queen will be killed. Your ability to replace this fight's losses will be lost, and the determining on a new queen will wreck your battle abilities for an unknown length of time. So, say the words" Shino glared at her.

"I, yield" the bugs retreated as the pressure relented around the queen. Haku sighed, Zabuza and Naruto together gave her the win, Zabuzza's sadism and Naruto's innovation.

"Winner, Momoichi Haku" the judges were talking to themselves once again.


"Dam Ice bitch"

"So, I'm not the lone girl around here?" Temari muttered to herself.

'Very soon, Uchiha will die, and then I move forward in life'

"Well, one more match, and then Gaara-Kun get's to have one last good, bloody kill. Uchiha Sasuke, and hopefully Uchiha as well...will be destroyed, Hebi-Teme will be screwed a body, and then Gaara-Kun can work for the, vacant, Kazekage job, no? I believe he can, he has the potential, what about you Fluffy?" Taisune mused.

"Um, you say something" Fluffy was eating a hotdog coated in ketchup...and what goes on Cinnamon Buns

"Oh, never mind"

"Yes, both are Chunnin ready, it seems"

"Momoichi managed to pull off a negotiation that put all the cards in her hand, sort of speak, and Aburame retreated when he realized he could be permanently immobolized. Better to fail a non vital mission and be able to complete a dozen others, then to complete a non vital and be forced to retire due to injuries."

"Yes, now only one more match is left..."

"It is time, for the final Quarter Final match...Rock Lee, Takiboshi Fu..." the two Taijutsu users were now posed for battle.

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