Chapter 13: Gains and Losses

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Hokage's office; a week later

The Sandiame was starting to feel the stress of his old age again. Oh, how he would love to step down, but he didn't have anyone to replace him who had any qualification for the job. Shikaku was too lazy, Kakashi was the same way and reluctant to take the mantle up, Hiashi could possibly do it, but leaving the Hyuga elders to their own devices was something he nor Hiashi wanted to do. Guy...

No, anything but that. He didn't want a change in Shinobi uniform or teaching style. All he needed was for Naruto to start yelling out "FLAMES OF YOUTH!". He'd almost prefer letting the Kyubbi out then to see that. Well, maybe ladies in those green jumpsuits were a totally different story...

But the problem was, the civilian and elder councils just had a stroke of uncharecteristic genius, and the Hokage had barely been able to divert disaster. The problem had been so big, he had barely any time to rewrite his law to include Fu and the Nanabi, to protect her from visiting Taki ninja, something he sent a message to Shibuki about as well.

For years, the councils had been trying to get a shinobi council member on their side. If they had just one more vote over the Shinobi, they'd be able to do anything to benifit their goals; increase taxes on Shinobi and Shinobi goods, exile Naruto, give Sasuke all the females in the village, exile Naruto, gain hidden secrets from the Yondiame, exile Naruto, wage war for the fun of it, exile Naruto...they really wanted to exile Naruto.

But luckily, the shinobi council was uncorruptable; well maybe if they payed for a all you can eat meal for the Akamichi or voted to remove all cats for the Inuzuka, they might have luck, but so far they hadn't tried that.

But then, they managed to pull off a new hiest by bringing up a vote for a new seat on each of the two respective councils, Elder's excluded. The Shinobi agreed, thinking this was just a method to try to get another obnoxious anti naruto voice with them. They had been considering adding a shinobi from one of the newer clans; the Morino were high on the list, and perhaps Guy for spirit...but they already put the hag on it

The Haruno, was now on the Shinobi council!

Apparently, the evil old hag had tested herself and her daughter, and found out that their voices had come from some sort of Kekkei Genkai the Haruno had. This "Mega Voice" release or something, qualified her family as a Ninja clan now, and now they could replace her spot on their side with a new anti Narutotist, and take control.

However, the Sandiame had a trick of his own. He nominated his own member for the Civilian council, to replace the one Anko killed, Teuchi. As a registered land owner of Konoha, being the administer of the former Uchiha district, now being repained as the "Uzumaki" district, as appointed by Naruto, he could be placed on the council. With that, the balance was the same as before, so Naruto no longer was in immediate danger.

However, they still had a loss. The council used the new Haruno Kekkei Genkai to force Kakashi to focus on training Team 7, now with Sai, Sakura and Sasuke, because of the potential danger of the new release, as stated in some bill they had passed years ago. Luckily, the now Team 11, with Naruto, Haku and Fu, were working rather well together. Naruto was getting help on using his Kyubbi powers from Fu and was practicing Chakra Control with Haku, Fu was getting Jutsu practice from both Naruto and Haku, and Haku was training to increase her chakra reserves with Fu and Naruto.

They had recently completed a set of 14 D rank missions, thanks in no part to Naruto's shadow clones, Haku's control of chakra, and Fu's strength, which was put into use for destroying boulders. This was to help start up Fu's bank account, and keep Naruto's and Haku's up. They needed it now that they had their own house, the old Yondiame place, and it was amusing to see how they took it.

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